pyphysim.extra.MATLAB package


pyphysim.extra.MATLAB.python2MATLAB module

Module with functions to easily moving data from python to MATLAB.

pyphysim.extra.MATLAB.python2MATLAB.to_mat_str(x, format_string='+.12e')[source]

Convert the ndarray ‘x’ to a string corresponding to the MATLAB representation of x.

The to_mat_str function formats numpy arrays of arbitrary dimension in a way which can easily copied and pasted into an interactive MATLAB session

  • x (numpy array) – The numpy array to be represented as a MATLAB type.

  • format_string (str, optional) – The format_string string to convert each element in x.


converted_string – A string that represents the converted numpy array. You can copy this string and past it into a MATLAB session.

Return type



>>> a=np.arange(1,10)
>>> a.shape=(3,3)
>>> # Print as a numpy matrix
>>> print(a)
[[1 2 3]
 [4 5 6]
 [7 8 9]]
>>> # Call to_mat_str(a) to print the string representation of the
>>> # converted matrix
>>> print(to_mat_str(a))
[+1.000000000000e+00, +2.000000000000e+00, +3.000000000000e+00; +4.000000000000e+00, +5.000000000000e+00, +6.000000000000e+00; +7.000000000000e+00, +8.000000000000e+00, +9.000000000000e+00]

Module contents

Package with MATLAB related functions.

Examples: conversions for the print output from python to MATLAB and vice-verse. That way you can print a numpy array, copy the output and past in MATLAB for further analysis.