Writing Documentation for PyPhysim

The handwritten rst files should be listed in the toctree in the List of Documentation Articles section of the index.rst file, while the documentation for each package is automatically generated using sphinx-apidoc and should be listed in the toctree in the description.rst file.

In order to generate the rst files for each package with sphinx-apidoc call the command sphinx-apidoc -o docs pyphysim from outside the docs folder.

Note that sphinx-apidoc will generate a corresponding .rst file for each package, that uses the autodoc feature of sphinx to include the docstrings of the python files in the actual documentation. For instance, the .rst file of the comm module (whose name is pyphysim.comm.rst) is shown below.

pyphysim.comm package


pyphysim.comm.blockdiagonalization module

.. automodule:: pyphysim.comm.blockdiagonalization

pyphysim.comm.waterfilling module

.. automodule:: pyphysim.comm.waterfilling

Module contents

.. automodule:: pyphysim.comm

Notice the use of “.. automodule::” to get the documentation of the comm package modules from the source code.

Therefore, you only need to run sphinx-apidoc when new modules are created in PyPhysim. Everything else will be automatically done by sphinx with the help of the autodoc extension.

Writing math in the documentation

The sphinx documentation generation system is configured to allow the inclusion of math snippets with LaTeX syntax in the documentation. Simply put a directive like :math:`x+y = \frac{1}{2}` in the documentation and it will be rendered as \(x+y = \frac{1}{2}\) in the final HTML documentation.

In order for this to work you need to download MathJax from http://www.mathjax.org/download/ and put it in the docs/Mathjax/ folder.

Also, in order to make writing math easier, a few extra LaTeX macros should be defined. In special, we use bold to indicate matrices. Usually one would need to write :math:`\mathbf{H}_{jk}` to write \(\mathbf{H}_{jk}\), but the macro “\mtH” is used instead for a bold “H” such that we can write the same think with :math:`\mtH_{jk}` and this should be configured in Mathjax. Likewise, equivalent macros must also be defined for the other letters as well as \vtH and similar to represent vectors (lower case bold letters).

The after downloading Mathjax to the docs/Mathjax/ edit the docs/Mathjax/config/local/local.js file and add the following macros there.

// Matrices
TEX.Macro("mtA", "\\mathbf{A}");
TEX.Macro("mtB", "\\mathbf{B}");
TEX.Macro("mtC", "\\mathbf{C}");
TEX.Macro("mtD", "\\mathbf{D}");
TEX.Macro("mtE", "\\mathbf{E}");
TEX.Macro("mtF", "\\mathbf{F}");
TEX.Macro("mtG", "\\mathbf{G}");
TEX.Macro("mtH", "\\mathbf{H}");
TEX.Macro("mtI", "\\mathbf{I}");
TEX.Macro("mtJ", "\\mathbf{J}");
TEX.Macro("mtK", "\\mathbf{K}");
TEX.Macro("mtL", "\\mathbf{L}");
TEX.Macro("mtM", "\\mathbf{M}");
TEX.Macro("mtN", "\\mathbf{N}");
TEX.Macro("mtO", "\\mathbf{P}");
TEX.Macro("mtP", "\\mathbf{P}");
TEX.Macro("mtQ", "\\mathbf{Q}");
TEX.Macro("mtR", "\\mathbf{R}");
TEX.Macro("mtS", "\\mathbf{S}");
TEX.Macro("mtT", "\\mathbf{T}");
TEX.Macro("mtU", "\\mathbf{U}");
TEX.Macro("mtV", "\\mathbf{V}");
TEX.Macro("mtW", "\\mathbf{W}");
TEX.Macro("mtX", "\\mathbf{X}");
TEX.Macro("mtY", "\\mathbf{Y}");
TEX.Macro("mtZ", "\\mathbf{Z}");
// Vectors
TEX.Macro("vtB", "\\mathbf{b}");
TEX.Macro("vtC", "\\mathbf{c}");
TEX.Macro("vtD", "\\mathbf{d}");
TEX.Macro("vtE", "\\mathbf{e}");
TEX.Macro("vtF", "\\mathbf{f}");
TEX.Macro("vtG", "\\mathbf{g}");
TEX.Macro("vtH", "\\mathbf{h}");
TEX.Macro("vtI", "\\mathbf{i}");
TEX.Macro("vtJ", "\\mathbf{j}");
TEX.Macro("vtK", "\\mathbf{k}");
TEX.Macro("vtL", "\\mathbf{l}");
TEX.Macro("vtM", "\\mathbf{m}");
TEX.Macro("vtN", "\\mathbf{n}");
TEX.Macro("vtO", "\\mathbf{p}");
TEX.Macro("vtP", "\\mathbf{p}");
TEX.Macro("vtQ", "\\mathbf{q}");
TEX.Macro("vtR", "\\mathbf{r}");
TEX.Macro("vtS", "\\mathbf{s}");
TEX.Macro("vtT", "\\mathbf{t}");
TEX.Macro("vtU", "\\mathbf{u}");
TEX.Macro("vtV", "\\mathbf{v}");
TEX.Macro("vtW", "\\mathbf{w}");
TEX.Macro("vtX", "\\mathbf{x}");
TEX.Macro("vtY", "\\mathbf{y}");
TEX.Macro("vtZ", "\\mathbf{z}");