Source code for pyphysim.util.misc

#!/usr/bin/env python
Module containing useful general functions that don't belong to another

import math
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast

import numba
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erfc

IntOrIntArray = TypeVar("IntOrIntArray", np.ndarray, int)
NumberOrArrayUnion = Union[np.ndarray, float]

[docs]def gmd(U: np.ndarray, S: np.ndarray, V_H: np.ndarray, tol: float = 0.0) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Perform the Geometric Mean Decomposition of a matrix A, whose SVD is given by `[U, S, V_H] = np.linalg.svd(A)`. The Geometric Mean Decomposition (GMD) is described in paper "Joint Transceiver Design for MIMO Communications Using Geometric Mean Decomposition." Parameters ---------- U : np.ndarray First matrix obtained from the SVD decomposition of the original matrix you want to decompose. S : np.ndarray Second matrix obtained from the SVD decomposition of the original matrix you want to decompose. V_H : np.ndarray Third matrix obtained from the SVD decomposition of the original matrix you want to decompose. tol : float The tolerance. Returns ------- (np.ndarray,np.ndarray,np.ndarray) The three matrices `Q`, `R` and `P` such that `A = QRP^H`, `R` is an upper triangular matrix and `Q` and `P` are unitary matrices. """ # Note: The code here was adapted from the MATLAB code provided by the # original GMD authors in # # \(\mtA = \mtU \mtS \mtV^H\) # \(\mtR = \mtU_r \mtS \mtV_r^H\) # \(A = \mtU \mtU_r^H S \mtV_R \mtV\) m = U.shape[0] n = V_H.shape[0] # Initialize R, P and Q R = np.zeros([m, n]) P = V_H.conj().T.copy() Q = U.copy() # 'd' is a vector with the singular values d = np.copy(S) # We copy here to avoid changing 'S' # l = min(m, n) # noinspection PyTypeChecker p = np.sum(S >= tol).item() # Number of singular values >= tol # If there is no singular value greater than the tolerance, then we # throw an exception if p < 1: raise RuntimeError( "This is no singular value greater than the tolerance") # If we only have one singular value, that will be our diagonal # element if p < 2: R[0, 0] = d[0] z = np.zeros([p - 1]) # Vector large = 1 # index of the largest diagonal element small = p - 1 # index of the smallest diagonal element perm = np.r_[0:p] # perm (i) = location in d of i-th largest entry invperm = np.r_[0:p] # maps diagonal entries to perm # Geometric Mean of the 'p' largest singular values sigma_bar =[0:p])**(1. / p) for k in range(p - 1): flag = 0 # xxxxx If flag is changed to 1 here we will not rotate xxxxxxx if d[k] >= sigma_bar: i = perm[small] small -= 1 if d[i] >= sigma_bar: flag = 1 else: i = perm[large] large += 1 if d[i] <= sigma_bar: flag = 1 # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx k1 = k + 1 if i != k1: # Apply permutation Pi of paper t = d[k1] # Interchange d[i] and d[k1] d[k1] = d[i] d[i] = t j = invperm[k1] # Update perm arrays perm[j] = i invperm[i] = j # Interchange columns i and k+1 of the Q and P matrices I = np.array([k1, i]) J = np.array([i, k1]) Q[:, I] = Q[:, J] P[:, I] = P[:, J] # Deltas delta1 = d[k] delta2 = d[k1] sq_delta1 = delta1**2 sq_delta2 = delta2**2 if flag: c = 1.0 s = 0.0 else: c = math.sqrt((sigma_bar**2 - sq_delta2) / (sq_delta1 - sq_delta2)) s = math.sqrt(1 - c**2) d[k1] = delta1 * delta2 / sigma_bar # = y in paper z[k] = s * c * (sq_delta2 - sq_delta1) / sigma_bar # = x in paper R[k, k] = sigma_bar if k > 0: R[0:k, k] = z[0:k] * c # new column of R z[0:k] = -z[0:k] * s # new column of Z # First Givens Rotation matrix G1 = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) J = np.array([k, k1]) P[:, J] = P[:, J].dot(G1) # apply G1 to P # Second Givens Rotation Matrix G2 = (1. / sigma_bar) * np.array([[c * delta1, -s * delta2], [s * delta2, c * delta1]]) Q[:, J] = Q[:, J].dot(G2) # apply G2 to Q R[p - 1, p - 1] = sigma_bar R[0:p - 1, p - 1] = z return Q, R, P
[docs]def peig(A: np.ndarray, n: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns a matrix whose columns are the `n` dominant eigenvectors of `A` (eigenvectors corresponding to the `n` dominant eigenvalues). Parameters ---------- A : np.ndarray A symmetric matrix (bi-dimensional numpy array). n : int Number of desired dominant eigenvectors. Returns ------- np.ndarray, np.ndarray A list with two elements where the first element is a 2D numpy array with the desired eigenvectors, while the second element is a 1D numpy array with the corresponding eigenvalues. Notes ----- `A` must be a symmetric matrix so that its eigenvalues are real and positive. Raises ------ ValueError If `n` is greater than the number of columns of `A`. Examples -------- >>> A = np.random.randn(3,3) + 1j*np.random.randn(3,3) >>> V, D = peig(A, 1) """ (_, ncols) = A.shape if n > ncols: # A is symmetric -> we could get either nrows or ncols raise ValueError("`n` must be lower then the number of columns " "in `A`") [D, V] = np.linalg.eig(A) indexes = np.argsort(D.real) indexes = indexes[::-1] V = V[:, indexes[0:n]] D = D[indexes[0:n]] return V, D
[docs]def leig(A: np.ndarray, n: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns a matrix whose columns are the `n` least significant eigenvectors of `A` (eigenvectors corresponding to the `n` dominant eigenvalues). Parameters ---------- A : np.ndarray A symmetric matrix (bi-dimensional numpy array) n : int Number of desired least significant eigenvectors. Returns ------- np.ndarray,np.ndarray A list with two elements where the first element is a 2D numpy array with the desired eigenvectors, while the second element is a 1D numpy array with the corresponding eigenvalues. Notes ----- `A` must be a symmetric matrix so that its eigenvalues are real and positive. Raises ------ ValueError If `n` is greater than the number of columns of `A`. Examples -------- >>> A = np.random.randn(3,3) + 1j*np.random.randn(3,3) >>> V, D = peig(A, 1) """ (_, ncols) = A.shape if n > ncols: # A is symmetric -> we could get either nrows or ncols raise ValueError("`n` must be lower then the number of columns " "in `A`") [D, V] = np.linalg.eig(A) indexes = np.argsort(D.real) V = V[:, indexes[0:n]] D = D[indexes[0:n]] return V, D
[docs]def pretty_time(time_in_seconds: float) -> str: """ Return the time in a more friendly way. Parameters ---------- time_in_seconds : float Time in seconds. Returns ------- time_string : str Pretty time representation as a string. Examples -------- >>> pretty_time(30) '30.00s' >>> pretty_time(76) '1m:16s' >>> pretty_time(4343) '1h:12m:23s' """ seconds = time_in_seconds minutes = int(seconds) // 60 seconds = int(round(seconds % 60)) hours = minutes // 60 minutes %= 60 if hours > 0: return "%sh:%02dm:%02ds" % (hours, minutes, seconds) if minutes > 0: return "%sm:%02ds" % (minutes, seconds) return "%.2fs" % time_in_seconds
[docs]def xor(a: int, b: int) -> int: """ Calculates the xor operation between a and b. In python this is performed with a^b. However, sage changed the "^" operator. This xor function was created so that it can be used in either sage or in regular python. Parameters ---------- a : int First number. b : int Second number. Returns ------- int The result of the `xor` operation between `a` and `b`. Examples -------- >>> xor(3,7) 4 >>> xor(15,6) 9 """ return a.__xor__(b)
[docs]def randn_c(*args: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Generates a random circularly complex gaussian matrix. Parameters ---------- *args : any Variable number of arguments (int values) specifying the dimensions of the returned array. This is directly passed to the numpy.random.randn function. Returns ------- result : np.ndarray A random N-dimensional numpy array (complex dtype) where the `N` is equal to the number of parameters passed to `randn_c`. Examples -------- >>> a = randn_c(4,3) >>> a.shape (4, 3) >>> a.dtype dtype('complex128') """ # noinspection PyArgumentList return (1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0)) * (np.random.randn(*args) + (1j * np.random.randn(*args)))
[docs]def randn_c_RS(RS: np.random.RandomState, *args: int) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """ Generates a random circularly complex gaussian matrix. This is essentially the same as the the randn_c function. The only difference is that the randn_c function uses the global RandomState object in numpy, while randn_c_RS use the provided RandomState object. This allow us greater control. Parameters ---------- RS : np.random.RandomState The RandomState object used to generate the random values. *args : any Variable number of arguments specifying the dimensions of the returned array. This is directly passed to the numpy.random.randn function. Returns ------- result : np.ndarray A random N-dimensional numpy array (complex dtype) where the `N` is equal to the number of parameters passed to `randn_c`. """ if RS is None: # noinspection PyArgumentList return randn_c(*args) # noinspection PyArgumentList return (1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0)) * (RS.randn(*args) + (1j * RS.randn(*args)))
[docs]def level2bits(n: int) -> int: """ Calculates the number of bits needed to represent n different values. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of different levels. Returns ------- num_bits : int Number of bits required to represent `n` levels. Examples -------- >>> list(map(level2bits,range(1,20))) [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5] """ if n < 1: raise ValueError("level2bits: n must be greater then one") return int2bits(n - 1)
[docs]def int2bits(n: int) -> int: """ Calculates the number of bits needed to represent an integer n. Parameters ---------- n : int The integer number. Returns ------- num_bits : int The number of bits required to represent the number `n`. Examples -------- >>> list(map(int2bits, range(0,19))) [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5] """ if n < 0: raise ValueError("int2bits: n must be greater then zero") if n == 0: return 1 bits = 0 while n: n >>= 1 bits += 1 return bits
@numba.vectorize def count_bits(n: IntOrIntArray) -> IntOrIntArray: # pragma: no cover """ Count the number of bits that are set in `n`. Parameters ---------- n : int | np.ndarray An integer number or a numpy array of integer numbers. Returns ------- Number of bits that are equal to 1 in the bit representation of the number `n`. Examples -------- >>> a = np.array([3, 0, 2]) >>> print(count_bits(a)) [2 0 1] """ count = 0 while n > 0: if n & 1 == 1: count += 1 n >>= 1 return count # # Note: This method works only for an integer `n` and returns an # # integer. However, we are writing the documentation as if it were a numpy # # ufunc because we will create the count_bits ufunc with it using # # numpy.vectorize and count_bits will inherit the documentation. # def _count_bits_single_element(n: IntOrIntArray # ) -> IntOrIntArray: # pragma: no cover # """ # Count the number of bits that are set in `n`. # Parameters # ---------- # n : int | np.ndarray # An integer number or a numpy array of integer numbers. # Returns # ------- # Number of bits that are equal to 1 in the bit representation of the # number `n`. # Examples # -------- # >>> a = np.array([3, 0, 2]) # >>> print(count_bits(a)) # [2 0 1] # """ # count = 0 # while n > 0: # if n & 1 == 1: # count += 1 # n >>= 1 # return count # # Make count_bits an ufunc # count_bits = np.vectorize(_count_bits_single_element) # # count_bits = np.frompyfunc(_count_bits_single_element, 1, 1, # # doc=_count_bits_single_element.__doc__)
[docs]def count_bit_errors(first: IntOrIntArray, second: IntOrIntArray, axis: Optional[Any] = None) -> IntOrIntArray: """ Compare `first` and `second` and count the number of equivalent bit errors. The two arguments are assumed to have the index of transmitted and decoded symbols. The count_bit_errors function will compare each element in `first` with the corresponding element in `second`, determine how many bits changed and then return the total number of changes bits. For instance, if we compare the numbers 3 and 0, we see that 2 bits have changed, since 3 corresponds to '11', while 0 corresponds to '00'. Parameters ---------- first : int | np.ndarray The decoded symbols. second : int | np.ndarray The transmitted symbols. axis : int, optional Since first and second can be numpy arrays, when axis is not provided (that is, it is None) then the total number of bit errors of all the elements of the 'difference array' is returned. If axis is provided, then an array of bit errors is returned where the number of bit errors summed along the provided axis is returned. Returns ------- bit_errors : int | np.ndarray The total number of bit errors. Examples -------- >>> first = np.array([[2, 3, 3, 0], [1, 3, 1, 2]]) >>> second = np.array([[0, 3, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1, 2]]) >>> # The number of changed bits in each element is equal to >>> # array([1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0]) >>> count_bit_errors(first, second) 6 >>> count_bit_errors(first, second, 0) array([3, 2, 1, 0]) >>> count_bit_errors(first, second, 1) array([2, 4]) """ different_bits = xor(first, second) return np.sum(count_bits(different_bits), axis) # type: ignore
[docs]def qfunc(x: float) -> float: """ Calculates the 'q' function of x. Parameters ---------- x : float The value to apply the Q function. Returns ------- result : float Qfunc(x) Examples -------- >>> qfunc(0.0) 0.5 >>> round(qfunc(1.0), 9) 0.158655254 >>> round(qfunc(3.0), 9) 0.001349898 """ return cast(float, 0.5 * erfc(x / math.sqrt(2)))
[docs]def least_right_singular_vectors( A: np.ndarray, n: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Return the three matrices. The first one is formed by the `n` least significative right singular vectors of `A`, the second one is formed by the remaining right singular vectors of `A` and the third one has the singular values of the singular vectors of the second matrix (the most significative ones). Parameters ---------- A : np.ndarray A 2D numpy array. n : int An integer between 0 and the number of columns of `A`. Returns ------- np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray The tree matrices V0, V1 and S. The matrix V0 has the right singular vectors corresponding to the `n` least significant singular values. The matrix V1 has the remaining right singular vectors. The matrix S has the singular values corresponding to the remaining singular vectors `V1`. Notes ----- Because of the sort operation, if you call least_right_singular_vectors(A, ncols_of_A) you will get all the right singular vectors of A with the column order reversed. Examples -------- >>> A = np.array([1,2,3,6,5,4,2,2,1]) >>> A.shape = (3,3) >>> (min_Vs, remaining_Vs, S) = least_right_singular_vectors(A,1) >>> min_Vs array([[-0.4474985 ], [ 0.81116484], [-0.3765059 ]]) >>> remaining_Vs array([[-0.62341491, -0.64116998], [ 0.01889071, -0.5845124 ], [ 0.78166296, -0.49723869]]) >>> S array([1.88354706, 9.81370681]) """ # Note that numpy.linalg.svd returns the hermitian of V [_, S, V_H] = np.linalg.svd(A, full_matrices=True) V = V_H.conjugate().transpose() # Index in crescent order of the singular values # Since the SVD gives the values in descending order, we just need to # reverse the order instead of performing a full sort sort_indexes = list(reversed(range(0, V.shape[0]))) # sort_indexes = S.argsort() # The `n` columns corresponding to the least significative singular # values V0 = V[:, sort_indexes[0:n]] V1 = V[:, sort_indexes[n:]] return V0, V1, S[sort_indexes[n:]]
# New versions of numpy already have this method # # def ravel_multi_index(indexes, shape): # """ # Get the linear index corresponding to `indexes`. # The linear index is calculated in 'C' order. That is, it "travels" # the array faster in the fist dimension than in the last (row order # in bi-dimensional arrays). # Arguments # - `indexes`: A list with the indexes of each dimension in the array. # - `shape`: Shape of the array # Ex: # For shape=[3,3] we get the matrix # array([[0, 1, 2], # [3, 4, 5], # [6, 7, 8]]) # Therefore (the indexes start at zero), # >>> ravel_multi_index([0,2],[3,3]) # 2 # Similarly # >>> ravel_multi_index([3,1],[4,3]) # 10 # """ # #c order only # base_c = np.arange(*shape) # return base_c[tuple(indexes)]
[docs]def calc_unorm_autocorr(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the unormalized auto-correlation of an array x starting from lag 0. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray A 1D numpy array. Returns ------- result : np.ndarray The unormalized auto-correlation of `x`. Examples -------- >>> x = np.array([4, 2, 1, 3, 7, 3, 8]) >>> calc_unorm_autocorr(x) array([152, 79, 82, 53, 42, 28, 32]) """ # R = np.convolve(x, x[::-1], 'full') R = np.correlate(x, x, 'full') # Return the auto-correlation for indexes greater then or equal to 0 return R[R.size // 2:]
[docs]def calc_autocorr(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the (normalized) auto-correlation of an array x starting from lag 0. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray A 1D numpy array. Returns ------- result : np.ndarray The normalized auto-correlation of `x`. Examples -------- >>> x = np.array([4, 2, 1, 3, 7, 3, 8]) >>> calc_autocorr(x) array([ 1. , -0.025, 0.15 , -0.175, -0.25 , -0.2 , 0. ]) """ x2 = x - np.mean(x) variance = float(np.var(x2)) # Biased variance of x2 # We divide by x2.size because the calculated variance is the biased # version. If it was the unbiased we would have to divide by x2.size-1 # instead. return calc_unorm_autocorr(x2) / (x2.size * variance)
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs]def update_inv_sum_diag(invA: np.ndarray, diagonal: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the inverse of a matrix :math:`(A + D)`, where :math:`D` is a diagonal matrix, given the inverse of :math`A` and the diagonal of :math:`D`. This calculation is performed using the Sherman-Morrison formula, given my .. math:: (A+uv^T)^{-1} = A^{-1} - {A^{-1}uv^T A^{-1} \\over 1 + v^T A^{-1}u}, where :math:`u` and :math:`v` are vectors. Parameters ---------- invA : np.ndarray A 2D numpy array. diagonal : np.ndarray A 1D numpy array with the elements in the diagonal of :math:`D`. Returns ------- new_inv : np.ndarray The inverse of :math:`A+D`. """ #$$(A+uv^T)^{-1} = A^{-1} - {A^{-1}uv^T A^{-1} \over 1 + v^T A^{-1}u}$$ # This function updates the inverse as the equation above when the # vectors "u" and "v" are equal and correspond to a column of the # identity matrix multiplied by a constant (only one element is # different of zero). # pylint: disable=C0111 def calc_update_term(inv_matrix: np.ndarray, p_index: int, p_indexed_element: float, p_diagonal_element: float) -> np.ndarray: term1 = (p_diagonal_element * np.outer(inv_matrix[:, p_index], inv_matrix[p_index, :])) return term1 / (1 + p_diagonal_element * p_indexed_element) new_inv = invA.copy() for index, diagonal_element in zip(range(diagonal.size), diagonal): indexed_element = new_inv[index, index] new_inv -= calc_update_term(new_inv, index, indexed_element, diagonal_element) return new_inv
[docs]def calc_confidence_interval(mean: float, std: float, n: int, P: float = 95.0) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Calculate the confidence interval that contains the true mean (of a normal random variable) with a certain probability `P`, given the measured `mean`, standard deviation `std` for number of samples `n`. Only a few values are allowed for the probability `P`, which are: 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, 98%, 99%, 99.5%, 99.8% and 99.9%. Parameters ---------- mean : float The measured mean value. std : float The measured standard deviation. n : int The number of samples used to measure the mean and standard deviation. P : float The desired confidence (probability in %) that true value is inside the calculated interval. Returns ------- float, float A list with two float elements, the interval minimum and maximum values. Notes ----- This function assumes that the estimated random variable is a normal variable. """ # Dictionary that maps a desired "confidence" to the corresponding # critical value. See # t-distribution table_of_values = { 50: 0.674, 60: 0.842, 70: 1.036, 80: 1.282, 90: 1.645, 95: 1.960, 98: 2.326, 99: 2.576, 99.5: 2.807, 99.8: 3.090, 99.9: 3.291 } # Critical value used in the calculation of the confidence interval C = table_of_values[P] norm_std = std / np.sqrt(n) min_value = mean - (C * norm_std) max_value = mean + (C * norm_std) return min_value, max_value
[docs]def get_principal_component_matrix(A: np.ndarray, num_components: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns a matrix without the "principal components" of `A`. This function returns a new matrix formed by the most significative components of `A`. Parameters ---------- A : np.ndarray The original matrix, which is a 2D numpy matrix. num_components : int Number of components to be kept. Returns ------- out : np.ndarray The new matrix with the dead dimensions removed. Notes ----- You might want to normalize the returned matrix `out` after calling get_principal_component_matrix to have the same norm as the original matrix `A`. """ # Note 'S' as returned by np.linalg.svd contains the singular values in # descending order. Therefore, we only need to keep the first # 'num_components' singular values (and vectors). [U, S, V_H] = np.linalg.svd(A) num_rows = U.shape[0] num_cols = V_H.shape[1] newS = np.zeros(num_rows, dtype=A.dtype) newS[:num_components] = S[:num_components] newS = np.diag(newS)[:, :num_cols] out =,, V_H[:, :num_components])) return out
[docs]def get_range_representation(array: np.ndarray, filename_mode: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """ Get the "range representation" of a numpy array consisting of a arithmetic progression. If no valid range representation exists, return None. Suppose you have the array n = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40] This array is an arithmetic progression with step equal to 5 and can be represented as "5:5:40", which is exactly what get_range_representation will return for such array. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray The array to be represented as a range expression. filename_mode : bool, optional If True, the returned representation will be more suitable to be used as part of a file-name. That is instead of "5:5:40" the string "5_(5)_40" would be returned. Returns ------- expr : str A string expression representing `array`. """ # Special case-> If len(array) < 4 we simply return the array if array.size < 4: return ','.join(array.astype(str)) step = array[1] - array[0] # Change step from numpy.int64 or numpy.float64 to a regular int or # float. In the case of float, we round to 12 decimal digits. All of # this is only important in Python3. if step.dtype == int: step = int(step) elif step.dtype == float: step = round(float(step), 12) # noinspection PyTypeChecker if np.allclose(array[1:] - step, array[0:-1]): # array is an arithmetic progression if filename_mode is True: return "{0}_({1})_{2}".format(array[0], step, array[-1]) return "{0}:{1}:{2}".format(array[0], step, array[-1]) # array is not an arithmetic progression return None
[docs]def get_mixed_range_representation(array: np.ndarray, filename_mode: bool = False) -> str: """ Get the "range representation" of a numpy array. This is similar to get_range_representation, but it no pure range representation is possible it will try to represent as least part of the array as range representations. Suppose you have the array n = [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 100] Except for the 3 initial and the final elements, this array is an arithmetic progression with step equal to 5. Lets keep the 3 initial and the final values and represent the other values as a range representation. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray The array to be represented as a range expression. filename_mode : bool, optional If True, the returned representation will be more suitable to be used as part of a file-name. That is instead of "5:5:40" the string "5_(5)_40" would be returned. Returns ------- expr : str A string expression representing `array`. """ if len(array) < 2: return '{0}'.format(array[0]) diff = array[1:] - array[0:-1] diff = np.hstack([diff[0], diff]) start = 0 current_value = diff[0] output_expressions = [] while start < len(diff): i = -1 # Just a start value in case the range below is empty for i in range(start, len(diff)): # if diff[i] != current_value: if not np.allclose(diff[i], current_value): end = i # Interval including the start, but not including the end output_expressions.append([start, end]) start = end current_value = diff[end] # Break the for loop. The else statements will not run. break else: # If the for loop terminated normally, this code will run end = i output_expressions.append([start, end + 1]) start = end + 1 # xxxxx Process the results from the previous while loop. xxxxxxxxxxxxx # The first pair will never be changed for i, pair in enumerate(output_expressions[1:]): if pair[1] - pair[0] > 3: # This is a range expression # Get the step of this range expression step = array[pair[0] + 1] - array[pair[0]] # Get the first element in the range first_element = array[pair[0]] # Get the previous element (the element in array before this # range) previous_element = array[output_expressions[i][1] - 1] # If the difference of the first element in the range to the # previous element in the range is equal to the step of the # range, that means that this previous element should be in # this pair, and not in the previous one. if np.allclose(first_element - previous_element, step): output_expressions[i][1] -= 1 output_expressions[i + 1][0] -= 1 out = [] for pair in output_expressions: value = get_range_representation(array[pair[0]:pair[1]], filename_mode) assert (value is not None) if value != '': out.append(value) return ','.join(out)
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs]def replace_dict_values(name: str, dictionary: Dict[str, str], filename_mode: bool = False) -> str: """ Perform the replacements in `name` with the value of dictionary[name]. See the usage example below: >>> name = "results_snr_{snr}_param_a_{param_a}" >>> replacements = {'snr': np.array([0,5,10,15,20]), 'param_a': 'something'} >>> replace_dict_values(name, replacements) 'results_snr_[0:5:20]_param_a_something' Note that some small changes are performed in the dictionary prior to the replacement. More specifically, modifications such as changing a numpy array to a more compact representation (when possible). This is done by converting the numpy arrays with the get_mixed_range_representation function. If the string is going to be used as a filename, pass True to `filename_mode` as in the example below >>> replace_dict_values(name, replacements, True) 'results_snr_[0_(5)_20]_param_a_something' Parameters ---------- name : str The name fo be formatted. dictionary : dict The dictionary with the values to be replaced in `name`. filename_mode : bool, optional Extra parameter passed to the get_mixed_range_representation function. If True, the returned representation will be more suitable to be used as part of a file-name. That is instead of "5:5:40" the string "5_(5)_40" would be used. Returns ------- new_name : str The value of `name` after the replacements in `dictionary`. Examples -------- >>> name = "something {value1} - {value2} something else {value3}" >>> dictionary = {'value1':'bla bla', \ 'value2':np.array([5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]), \ 'value3': 76} >>> replace_dict_values(name, dictionary, True) 'something bla bla - [5_(5)_30] something else 76' """ new_dict = {} for n, v in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): v = "[{0}]".format(get_mixed_range_representation( v, filename_mode)) new_dict[n] = v return name.format(**new_dict)
# Function taken from #
[docs]def equal_dicts(a: Dict[Any, Any], b: Dict[Any, Any], ignore_keys: List[Any]) -> bool: """ Test if two dictionaries are equal ignoring certain keys. Parameters ---------- a : dict The first dictionary b : dict The second dictionary ignore_keys : list A list or tuple with the keys to be ignored. """ ka = set(a).difference(ignore_keys) kb = set(b).difference(ignore_keys) return ka == kb and all(a[k] == b[k] for k in ka)
[docs]def calc_decorrelation_matrix(cov_matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the decorrelation matrix that can be applied to a data vector whose covariance matrix is ``cov_matrix`` so that the new vector covariance matrix is a diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- cov_matrix : np.ndarray The covariance matrix of the original data that will be decorrelated. This must be a symmetric and positive semi-definite matrix Returns ------- np.ndarray The decorrelation matrix :math:`\\mtW_D`. If the original data is a vector :math:`\\vtX` it can be decorrelated with :math:`\\mtW_D^T \\vtX`. See also -------- calc_whitening_matrix """ _, V = np.linalg.eig(cov_matrix) return V
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs]def calc_whitening_matrix(cov_matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the whitening matrix that can be applied to a data vector whose covariance matrix is ``cov_matrix`` so that the new vector covariance matrix is an identity matrix Parameters ---------- cov_matrix : np.ndarray The covariance matrix of the original data that will be decorrelated. This must be a symmetric and positive semi-definite matrix Returns ------- whitening_matrix : np.ndarray The whitening matrix :math:`\\mtW_W`. If the original data is a vector :math:`$\\vtX$` it can be whitened with :math:`\\mtW_W^H \\vtX`. Notes ----- The returned `whitening_matrix` matrix will make the covariance of the filtered data an identity matrix. If you only need the the covariance matrix of the filtered data to be a diagonal matrix (not necessarily an identity matrix) what you want to calculate is the "decorrelation matrix". See the :func:`calc_decorrelation_matrix` function for that. See also -------- calc_decorrelation_matrix """ L, V = np.linalg.eig(cov_matrix) W =, np.diag(1. / (L**0.5))) return W
[docs]def calc_shannon_sum_capacity(sinrs: NumberOrArrayUnion) -> float: """ Calculate the sum of the Shannon capacity of the values in `sinrs` Parameters ---------- sinrs : float | np.ndarray SINR values (in linear scale). Returns ------- sum_capacity : float Sum capacity. Examples -------- >>> calc_shannon_sum_capacity(11.4) 3.6322682154995127 >>> calc_shannon_sum_capacity(20.3) 4.412781525338476 >>> sinrs_linear = np.array([11.4, 20.3]) >>> print(calc_shannon_sum_capacity(sinrs_linear)) 8.045049740837989 """ sum_capacity = np.sum(np.log2(1 + sinrs)) return cast(float, sum_capacity)
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # # xxxxx Load Cython reimplementation of functions here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # try: # # If the extension was compiled then any method defined there # # will replace the corresponding method defined here. # # pylint: disable=E0611,F0401 # from ..c_extensions.misc_c import * # type: ignore # USING_CYTHON = True # except ImportError: # pragma: no cover # import warnings # USING_CYTHON = False # warnings.warn( # "util.misc.count_bits will be slow, since cythonized version was not used" # ) # # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: nocover import doctest doctest.testmod()