Source code for pyphysim.simulations.results

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Module containing simulation result classes."""

import os.path
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, cast

import numpy as np

from ..util.misc import (calc_confidence_interval, equal_dicts,
from ..util.serialize import JsonSerializable
from .parameters import SimulationParameters, combine_simulation_parameters

    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import pickle  # type: ignore

    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    import pandas as pd
    DataFrame = pd.DataFrame
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    # This will be used just for type checking, since pandas is not installed
    from typing import Any as DataFrame

ResultType = int

__all__ = ["combine_simulation_results", "SimulationResults", "Result"]

# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Module Functions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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[docs]def combine_simulation_results( simresults1: "SimulationResults", simresults2: "SimulationResults") -> "SimulationResults": """ Combine two SimulationResults objects with different parameters values. For this function to work both simulation objects need to have exact the same parameters and only the values of the parameters set to be unpacked can be different. Parameters ---------- simresults1 : SimulationResults The first SimulationResults object to be combined. simresults2 : SimulationResults The second SimulationResults object to be combined. Returns ------- SimulationResults The combined SimulationResults object. Examples -------- If the first SimulationResults object was obtained for the parameters "p1 = 10" and "p2 = [1, 2, 3]", while the second SimulationResults object was obtained for the parameters "p1 = 10" and "p2 = [2, 4, 6]" and p2 was marked to be unpacked in both of them, then the returned combined SimulationResults object will have parameters "p1 = 10" and "p2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]" with p2 marked to be unpacked. Note that the results for the values of p2 equal to "2" and "4" exist in both objects and will be merged together. """ # Create the combined simulation parameters combined_params = combine_simulation_parameters(simresults1.params, simresults2.params) result_names = simresults1.get_result_names() if set(result_names) != set(simresults2.get_result_names()): raise RuntimeError( 'Both SimulationResults objects must have the same results.') union = SimulationResults() union.set_parameters(combined_params) for name in result_names: result_list1 = simresults1[name] result_list2 = simresults2[name] type_code = result_list1[0].type_code for unpack in combined_params.get_unpacked_params_list(): # Create an empty Result object. result_object = Result(name, type_code) # Dictionary with the current unpack variation fixed_parameters = unpack.parameters try: index1 = simresults1.params.get_pack_indexes(fixed_parameters) result_object.merge(result_list1[index1[0]]) except ValueError: pass try: index2 = simresults2.params.get_pack_indexes(fixed_parameters) result_object.merge(result_list2[index2[0]]) except ValueError: pass union.append_result(result_object) return union
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Result - START xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class Result(JsonSerializable): """Class to store a single simulation result. A simulation result can be anything, such as the number of errors, a string, an error rate, etc. When creating a `Result` object one needs to specify only the `name` of the stored result and the result `type`. The different types indicate how multiple samples (from multiple iterations) of the same Result can be merged (usually to get a result with more statistical reliability). The possible values are SUMTYPE, RATIOTYPE and MISCTYPE. In the `SUMTYPE` the new value should be added to current one in update function. In the `RATIOTYPE` the new value should be added to current one and total should be also updated in the update function. One caveat is that rates are stored as a number (numerator) and a total (denominator) instead of as a float. For instance, if you need to store a result such as a bit error rate, then you could use the a Result with the RATIOTYPE type and when updating the result, pass the number of bit errors and the number of simulated bits. The `MISCTYPE` type can store anything and the update will simple replace the stored value with the current value. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the Result. update_type_code : int Type of the result. It must be one of the elements in {Result.SUMTYPE, Result.RATIOTYPE, Result.MISCTYPE, Result.CHOICETYPE}. accumulate_values : bool If True, then the values `value` and `total` will be accumulated in the `update` (and merge) method(s). This means that the Result object will use more memory as more and more values are accumulated, but having all values sometimes is useful to perform statistical calculations. This is useful for debugging/testing. choice_num : int Number of different choices for the CHOICETYPE type. This is a required parameter for the CHOICETYPE type, but it is ignored for the other types Examples -------- - Example of the SUMTYPE result. >>> result1 = Result("name", Result.SUMTYPE) >>> result1.update(13) >>> result1.update(4) >>> result1.get_result() 17 >>> result1.num_updates 2 >>> result1 Result -> name: 17 >>> result1.type_name 'SUMTYPE' >>> result1.type_code 0 - Example of the RATIOTYPE result. >>> result2 = Result("name2", Result.RATIOTYPE) >>> result2.update(4,10) >>> result2.update(3,4) >>> result2.get_result() 0.5 >>> result2.type_name 'RATIOTYPE' >>> result2.type_code 1 >>> result2_other = Result("name2", Result.RATIOTYPE) >>> result2_other.update(3,11) >>> result2_other.merge(result2) >>> result2_other.get_result() 0.4 >>> result2_other.num_updates 3 >>> result2_other._value 10 >>> result2_other._total 25 >>> result2.get_result() 0.5 >>> print(result2_other) Result -> name2: 10/25 -> 0.4 - Example of the MISCTYPE result. The MISCTYPE result 'merge' process in fact simple replaces the current stored value with the new value. """ # Like an Enumeration for the type of results. (SUMTYPE, RATIOTYPE, MISCTYPE, CHOICETYPE) = range(4) _all_types = { SUMTYPE: "SUMTYPE", RATIOTYPE: "RATIOTYPE", MISCTYPE: "MISCTYPE", CHOICETYPE: "CHOICETYPE", } def __init__(self, name: str, update_type_code: ResultType, accumulate_values: bool = False, choice_num: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """ Constructor for the result object. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the Result. update_type_code : int Type of the result. It must be one of the elements in {Result.SUMTYPE, Result.RATIOTYPE, Result.MISCTYPE, Result.CHOICETYPE}. accumulate_values : bool If True, then the values `value` and `total` will be accumulated in the `update` (and merge) method(s). This means that the Result object will use more memory as more and more values are accumulated, but having all values sometimes is useful to perform statistical calculations. This is useful for debugging/testing. choice_num : int Number of different choices for the CHOICETYPE type. This is a required parameter for the CHOICETYPE type, but it is ignored for the other types """ str = name self._update_type_code = update_type_code self._value: Any = 0 self._total: Any = 0 # At each update the current result will be added to this variable self._result_sum: float = 0.0 # At each update the square of the current result will be added to # this variable. self._result_squared_sum: float = 0.0 # Number of times the Result object was updated self.num_updates: int = 0 if update_type_code == Result.CHOICETYPE: if not isinstance(choice_num, int): raise RuntimeError( "'choice_num' argument for the Result object must be " "an integer for the CHOICETYPE type.") self._value = np.zeros(choice_num, dtype=int) # Accumulation of values: This is useful for debugging/testing self._accumulate_values_bool: bool = accumulate_values self._value_list: List[Any] = [] self._total_list: List[Any] = [] def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """ Compare two Result objects. Two Result objects are considered equal if all attributes in both of them are equal, with the exception of the 'num_updates' member variable which is ignored in the comparison. Parameters ---------- other : Result | any The other Result object. It it is not a Result object then the comparison will always yield False. Returns ------- bool True if `other` is equal to `self`, False otherwise. """ # All class attributes with the exception of 'num_updates' and # '_value'. The value of 'num_updates' is not important for # equality comparison. The value of '_value' is important, but it # is not included in 'attributes' because it will be explicitly # tested later attributes = [ 'name', '_update_type_code', '_total', '_accumulate_values_bool', '_value_list', '_total_list', '_result_squared_sum', '_result_sum' ] if self is other: # pragma: no cover return True if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False result = True for att in attributes: if getattr(self, att) != getattr(other, att): result = False # Test if the '_value' fields are equal in both objects if self._update_type_code == Result.CHOICETYPE: # For the CHOICETYPE _value is a numpy array and thus we need # to use 'all_true' if np.array_equal(self._value, other._value) is False: result = False else: if self._value != other._value: result = False return result def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """ Compare two Result objects. Two Result objects are considered equal if all attributes in both of them are equal, with the exception of the 'num_updates' member variable which is ignored in the comparison. Parameters ---------- other : Result The other Result object. Returns ------- bool False if `other` is equal to `self`, True otherwise. """ return not self.__eq__(other) @property def accumulate_values_bool(self) -> bool: """ Property to see if values are accumulated of not during a call to the `update` method. """ return self._accumulate_values_bool
[docs] @staticmethod def create(name: str, update_type: ResultType, value: Any, total: int = 0, accumulate_values: bool = False) -> "Result": """ Create a Result object and update it with `value` and `total` at the same time. Equivalent to creating the object and then calling its :meth:`update` method. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the Result. update_type : int Type of the result. It must be one of the elements in {Result.SUMTYPE, Result.RATIOTYPE, Result.MISCTYPE, Result.CHOICETYPE}. value : any Value of the result. total : any | int | float Total value of the result (used only for the RATIOTYPE and CHOICETYPE). For the CHOICETYPE it is interpreted as the number of different choices if it is an integer or the current value of each choice if it is a list. accumulate_values : bool If True, then the values `value` and `total` will be accumulated in the `update` (and merge) method(s). This means that the Result object will use more memory as more and more values are accumulated, but having all values sometimes is useful to perform statistical calculations. This is useful for debugging/testing. Returns ------- Result The new Result object. Notes ----- Even if accumulate_values is True the values will not be accumulated for the MISCTYPE. See also -------- update """ if update_type == Result.CHOICETYPE: if total == 0: raise RuntimeError( "When creating a new Result of CHOICETYPE you must " "provide the 'total' as well as the 'value.") result = Result(name, update_type, accumulate_values, choice_num=total) result.update(value) else: result = Result(name, update_type, accumulate_values) result.update(value, total) return result
@property def type_name(self) -> str: """ Get the Result type name. Returns ------- type_name : str The result type string (SUMTYPE, RATIOTYPE, MISCTYPE or CHOICETYPE). """ return Result._all_types[self._update_type_code] @property def type_code(self) -> ResultType: """ Get the Result type. Returns ------- type_code : int The returned value is a number corresponding to one of the types SUMTYPE, RATIOTYPE, MISCTYPE or CHOICETYPE. """ return self._update_type_code def __repr__(self) -> str: if self._update_type_code == Result.RATIOTYPE: v = self._value t = self._total if t != 0: return "Result -> {0}: {1}/{2} -> {3}".format(, v, t, v / t) return "Result -> {0}: {1}/{2} -> NaN".format(, v, t) return "Result -> {0}: {1}".format(, self.get_result())
[docs] def update(self, value: Any, total: Optional[Any] = None) -> None: """ Update the current value. Parameters ---------- value : anything, but usually a number Value to be added to (or replaced) the current value total : same type as `value` Value to be added to the current total (only useful for the RATIOTYPE update type) Notes ----- The way how this update process depends on the Result type and is described below - RATIOTYPE: Add "value" to current value and "total" to current total. - SUMTYPE: Add "value" to current value. "total" is ignored. - MISCTYPE: Replace the current value with "value". - CHOICETYPE: Update the choice "value" and the total by 1. See also -------- create """ self.num_updates += 1 # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Python does not have a switch statement. We use dictionaries as # the equivalent of a switch statement. # First we define a function for each possibility. def __default_update( *_: Any) -> None: # "*_" denotes the two unused args here """Default update method. This will only be called when the update type is not one of the available types. Thus, an exception will be raised. """ msg = "Can't update a Result object of type '{0}'" raise ValueError(msg.format(self._update_type_code)) def __update_SUMTYPE_value(p_value: Any, _: Any) -> None: """Update the Result object when its type is SUMTYPE.""" self._value += p_value self._result_sum += p_value self._result_squared_sum += p_value**2 if self._accumulate_values_bool is True: self._value_list.append(p_value) def __update_RATIOTYPE_value(p_value: Any, p_total: Any) -> None: """Update the Result object when its type is RATIOTYPE. Raises ------ ValueError If the `p_total` parameter is None (not provided). """ if p_total is None: msg = ("A 'p_value' and a 'p_total' are required when " "updating a Result object of the RATIOTYPE type.") raise ValueError(msg) self._value += p_value self._total += p_total result = p_value / p_total self._result_sum += result self._result_squared_sum += result**2 if self._accumulate_values_bool is True: self._value_list.append(p_value) self._total_list.append(p_total) def __update_by_replacing_current_value(p_value: Any, _: Any) -> None: """Update the Result object when its type is MISCTYPE.""" self._value = p_value if self._accumulate_values_bool is True: self._value_list.append(p_value) def __update_CHOICETYPE_value(p_value: Any, _: Any) -> None: """Update the Result object when its type is CHOICETYPE.""" # The provided 'p_value' is used as an index to increase the # choice in self._value, which is stored as a numpy array. assert isinstance( p_value, (int,, np.int32, np.int64)), ("Value for the CHOICETYPE must be an integer.") self._value[p_value] += 1 self._total += 1 if self._accumulate_values_bool is True: self._value_list.append(p_value) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Now we fill the dictionary with the functions possible_updates = { Result.RATIOTYPE: __update_RATIOTYPE_value, Result.MISCTYPE: __update_by_replacing_current_value, Result.SUMTYPE: __update_SUMTYPE_value, Result.CHOICETYPE: __update_CHOICETYPE_value } # Call the appropriated update method. If self._update_type_code # does not contain a key in the possible_updates dictionary ( # that is, a valid update type), then the function # __default_update is called. possible_updates.get(self._update_type_code, __default_update)(value, total)
[docs] def merge(self, other: "Result") -> None: """ Merge the result from other with self. Parameters ---------- other : Result Another Result object. """ assert (isinstance(other, self.__class__)) # pylint: disable=W0212 assert self._update_type_code == other._update_type_code, ( "Can only merge two objects with the same name and type") assert self._update_type_code != Result.MISCTYPE, ( "Cannot merge results of the MISCTYPE type") assert ==, ( "Can only merge two objects with the same name and type") if self.accumulate_values_bool is True: # The second object must also have been set to accumulate # values msg = ("The merged Result also must have been set to " "accumulate values.") assert other.accumulate_values_bool is True, msg self._value_list.extend(other._value_list) self._total_list.extend(other._total_list) self.num_updates += other.num_updates self._value += other._value self._total += other._total self._result_sum += other._result_sum self._result_squared_sum += other._result_squared_sum
[docs] def get_result(self) -> Any: """ Get the result stored in the Result object. Returns ------- results : anything, but usually a number For the RATIOTYPE type get_result will return the `value/total`, while for the other types it will return `value`. """ if self.num_updates == 0: return "Nothing yet" if self._update_type_code == Result.RATIOTYPE: return self._value / self._total if self._update_type_code == Result.CHOICETYPE: return self._value / self._total return self._value
[docs] def get_result_accumulated_values(self) -> List[Any]: # pragma: no cover """ Return the accumulated values. Note that in case the result if of type RATIOTYPE this you probably want to call the get_result_accumulated_totals function to also get the totals. """ return self._value_list
[docs] def get_result_accumulated_totals(self) -> List[Any]: # pragma: no cover """ Return the accumulated values. Note that in case the result if of type RATIOTYPE this you probably want to call the get_result_accumulated_values function to also get the values. """ return self._total_list
[docs] def get_result_mean(self) -> float: """Get the mean of all the updated results. Returns ------- float The mean of the result. """ # self._fix_old_version() # Remove this line in the future return self._result_sum / self.num_updates
[docs] def get_result_var(self) -> float: """ Get the variance of all updated results. Returns ------- float The variance of the results. """ # self._fix_old_version() # Remove this line in the future return ((self._result_squared_sum / self.num_updates) - (self.get_result_mean())**2)
[docs] def get_confidence_interval(self, P: float = 95.0) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the confidence interval that contains the true result with a given probability `P`. Parameters ---------- P : float The desired confidence (probability in %) that true value is inside the calculated interval. The possible values are described in the documentation of the :func:`.calc_confidence_interval` function` Returns ------- Interval : np.ndarray Numpy (float) array with two elements. See also -------- .calc_confidence_interval """ if self._update_type_code == Result.MISCTYPE: message = ("Calling get_confidence_interval is not valid for " "the MISC update type.") raise RuntimeError(message) mean = self.get_result_mean() std = np.sqrt(self.get_result_var()) n = self.num_updates return calc_confidence_interval(mean, std, n, P)
# Overwrite version in JsonSerializable
[docs] def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert the Result object to a dictionary representation. Returns ------- dict The dictionary representation of the object. """ d = { 'name':, 'update_type_code': self._update_type_code, 'value': self._value, 'total': self._total, 'result_sum': self._result_sum, 'result_squared_sum': self._result_squared_sum, 'num_updates': self.num_updates, 'accumulate_values_bool': self._accumulate_values_bool, 'value_list': self._value_list, 'total_list': self._total_list } return d
[docs] @staticmethod def _from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Result": """ Convert from a dictionary to a Result object. Parameters ---------- d : dict The dictionary representing the Result. Returns ------- Result The converted object. """ if isinstance(d['value'], Iterable) and \ d['update_type_code'] == Result.CHOICETYPE: values = d['value'] r = Result(name=d['name'], update_type_code=d['update_type_code'], accumulate_values=d['accumulate_values_bool'], choice_num=len(values)) for i, v in enumerate(values): for _ in range(v): r.update(i) else: r = Result.create(name=d['name'], update_type=d['update_type_code'], value=d['value'], total=d['total'], accumulate_values=d['accumulate_values_bool']) r._value_list = d['value_list'] r._total_list = d['total_list'] r.num_updates = d['num_updates'] r._result_sum = d['result_sum'] r._result_squared_sum = d['result_squared_sum'] return r
# xxxxxxxxxx Result - END xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SimulationResults - START xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class SimulationResults(JsonSerializable): """Store results from simulations. This class is used in the :class:`.SimulationRunner` class in order to store results from a simulation. It is able to combine the results from multiple iterations (of the :meth:`.SimulationRunner._run_simulation` method in the :class:`SimulationRunner` class) as well as append results for different simulation parameters configurations. .. note:: Each result stored in the :class:`SimulationResults` object is in fact an object of the :class:`Result` class. This is required so that multiple :class:`SimulationResults` objects can be merged together, since the logic to merge each individual result is in the the :class:`Result` class. Examples -------- - Creating a SimulationResults object and adding a few results to it .. code-block:: python result1 = Result.create(...) # See the Result class for details result2 = Result.create(...) result3 = Result.create(...) simresults = SimulationResults() simresults.add_result(result1) simresults.add_result(result2) simresults.add_result(result3) Instead of explicitly create a Result object and add it to the SimulationResults object, we can also create the Result object on-the-fly when adding it to the SimulationResults object by using the :meth:`add_new_result` method. That is .. code-block:: python simresults = SimulationResults() simresults.add_new_result(...) simresults.add_new_result(...) simresults.add_new_result(...) - Merging multiple SimulationResults objects .. code-block:: python # First SimulationResults object simresults = SimulationResults() # Create a Result object result = Result.create('some_name', Result.SUMTYPE, 4) # and add it to the SimulationResults object. simresults.add_result(result) # Second SimulationResults object simresults2 = SimulationResults() # We can also create the Result object on-the-fly when adding it # to the SimulationResults object to save one line. simresults2.add_new_result('some_name', Result.SUMTYPE, 6) # We can merge the results in the second SimulationResults object. # Since the update type of the single result stored is SUMTYPE, # then the simresults will now have a single Result of SUMTYPE # type with a value of 10. simresults.merge_all_results(simresults) See Also -------- .runner.SimulationRunner : Base class to implement Monte Carlo simulations. .parameters.SimulationParameters : Class to store the simulation parameters. Result : Class to store a single simulation result. """ def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self._results: Dict[str, List[Result]] = dict() # This will store the simulation parameters used in the simulation # that resulted in the results. This should be set by calling the # set_parameters method. self._params = SimulationParameters() # Don't change this manually. This will be set in the # SimulationRunner class in the end of the simulation. self.runned_reps: Optional[int] = None # When the SimulationResults object is saved to a file with the method # 'save_to_file', this variable will be set to the used filename # (before any string replacements). This is useful when this file is # loaded to recover the SimulationResults object. self.original_filename: Optional[str] = None # The SimulationResults will set and retrieve this value self.current_rep = -1 def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """ Compare two SimulationResults objects. Two SimulationResults objects are considered equal if all Result objects in both of them are equal, with the exception of the 'elapsed_time' Result, which is ignored in the comparison. Note that the 'original_filename' variable is also ignored in the comparison. Parameters ---------- other : w The other SimulationResults object. Returns ------- bool True if `other` is equal to `self`, False otherwise. """ if self is other: # pragma: no cover return True if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False aux = equal_dicts( self.__dict__, other.__dict__, ignore_keys=['elapsed_time', '_results', 'original_filename']) if aux is False: return False # pylint: disable=W0212 if self._results.keys() != other._results.keys(): return False return all([ self[k] == other[k] for k in self._results.keys() if k != 'elapsed_time' ]) def __ne__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """ Compare two SimulationResults objects. Two SimulationResults objects are considered equal if all Result objects in both of them are equal, with the exception of the 'elapsed_time' Result, which is ignored in the comparison. Parameters ---------- other : SimulationResults The other SimulationResults object. Returns ------- bool False if `other` is equal to `self`, True otherwise. """ return not self.__eq__(other) @property def params(self) -> SimulationParameters: """Get method for the params property.""" return self._params
[docs] def set_parameters(self, params: SimulationParameters) -> None: """ Set the parameters of the simulation used to generate the simulation results stored in the SimulationResults object. Parameters ---------- params : SimulationParameters A SimulationParameters object containing the simulation parameters. """ if not isinstance(params, SimulationParameters): raise ValueError('params must be a SimulationParameters object') self._params = params
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ String representation of the SimulationResults object. Returns ------- str The string representation of the SimulationResults object. """ list_of_names = self._results.keys() repr_string = "SimulationResults: {0}".format(sorted(list_of_names)) return repr_string
[docs] def add_result(self, result: Result) -> None: """ Add a result object to the SimulationResults object. .. note:: If there is already a result stored with the same name, this will replace it. Parameters ---------- result : Result The Result object to add to the simulation results. """ # Added as a list with a single element self._results[] = [result]
[docs] def add_new_result(self, name: str, update_type: ResultType, value: Any, total: Any = 0) -> None: """Create a new Result object on the fly and add it to the SimulationResults object. .. note:: This is Equivalent to the code below, .. code-block:: python result = Result.create(name, update_type, value, total) self.add_result(result) which in fact is exactly how this method is implemented. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the Result. update_type : int Type of the result (SUMTYPE, RATIOTYPE, MISCTYPE or CHOICETYPE). value : any Value of the result. total : any | int Total value of the result (used only for the RATIOTYPE and ignored for the other types). """ result = Result.create(name, update_type, value, total) self.add_result(result)
[docs] def append_result(self, result: Result) -> None: """ Append a result to the SimulationResults object. This effectively means that the SimulationResults object will now store a list for the given result name. This allow you, for instance, to store multiple bit error rates with the 'BER' name such that simulation_results_object['BER'] will return a list with the Result objects for each value. Parameters ---------- result : Result The Result object to append to the simulation results. Notes ----- If multiple values for some Result are stored, then only the last value can be updated with :meth:`merge_all_results`. Raises ------ ValueError If the `result` has a different type from the result previously stored. See also -------- append_all_results, merge_all_results """ if in self._results.keys(): update_type_code = self._results[][0].type_code if update_type_code == result.type_code: self._results[].append(result) else: raise ValueError("Can only append to results of the same type") else: self.add_result(result)
[docs] def append_all_results(self, other: "SimulationResults") -> None: """ Append all the results of the other SimulationResults object with self. Parameters ---------- other : SimulationResults Another SimulationResults object See also -------- append_result, merge_all_results """ for results in other: # There can be more then one value for the same result name for result in results: self.append_result(result)
[docs] def merge_all_results(self, other: "SimulationResults") -> None: """ Merge all the results of the other SimulationResults object with the results in self. When there is more then one result with the same name stored in self (for instance two bit error rates -> for different parameters) then only the last one will be merged with the one in `other`. That also means that only one result for that name should be stored in `other`. Parameters ---------- other : SimulationResults Another SimulationResults object See also -------- append_result, append_all_results Notes ----- This method is used in the SimulationRunner class to combine results of two simulations for the exact same parameters. """ # If the current SimulationResults object is empty, we basically # copy the Result objects from other if len(self) == 0: for name in other.get_result_names(): self._results[name] = other[name] # Otherwise, we merge each Result from `self` with the Result from # `other` else: for item in self.get_result_names(): # The 'num_skipped_reps' result is different from the other # results in the sense that it is created by the # SimulationRunner class to count how many times a # SkipThisOne exception is raised. It is not created at the # same time as the other Result objects, but we want to # allow merging two SimulationResults objects even if one # of them does not have a 'num_skipped_reps' Result object. if item != 'num_skipped_reps': self._results[item][-1].merge(other[item][-1]) # Merge the 'num_skipped_reps' Result if the second object has # it. if 'num_skipped_reps' in other.get_result_names(): # It the second SimulationResults has the the # 'num_skipped_reps' Result, but the first one has not, # then first we create a 'num_skipped_reps' Result for the # first SimulationResults object. if 'num_skipped_reps' not in self.get_result_names(): self.add_new_result('num_skipped_reps', Result.SUMTYPE, 0) # Now we merge 'num_skipped_reps' from both of them self._results['num_skipped_reps'][-1].merge( other['num_skipped_reps'][-1])
[docs] def get_result_names(self) -> List[str]: """ Get the names of all results stored in the SimulationResults object. Returns ------- names : list[str] The names of the results stored in the SimulationResults object. """ return list(self._results.keys())
[docs] def get_result_values_list( self, result_name: str, fixed_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[Any]: """ Get the values for the results with name `result_name`. Returns a list with the values. Parameters ---------- result_name : str The name of the desired result. fixed_params : dict A python dictionary containing the fixed parameters. If `fixed_params` is provided then the returned list will be only a subset of the results that match the fixed values of the parameters in the `fixed_params` argument, where the key is the parameter's name and the value is the fixed value. See the notes for an example. Returns ------- result_list : List A list with the stored values for the result with name `result_name` Notes ----- As an example of the usage of the `fixed_params` argument, suppose the results where obtained in a simulation for three parameters: 'first', with value 'A', 'second' with value '[1, 2, 3]' and 'third' with value '[B, C]', where the 'second' and 'third' were set to be unpacked. In that case the returned result list would have a length of 6 (the number of possible combinations of the parameters to be unpacked). If fixed_params is provided with the value of "{'second': 2}" that means that only the subset of results which corresponding to the second parameters having the value of '2' will be provided and the returned list will have a length of 2. If fixed_params is provided with the value of "{'second': '1', 'third': 'C'}" then a single result will be provided instead of a list. """ if fixed_params is None: fixed_params = {} # If the dictionary is not empty if fixed_params: indexes = self.params.get_pack_indexes(fixed_params) out = [ v.get_result() for i, v in enumerate(self[result_name]) if i in indexes ] else: # If fixed_params is an empty dictionary (default value) then # we return the full list of results out = [v.get_result() for v in self[result_name]] return out
[docs] def get_result_values_confidence_intervals( self, result_name: str, P: float = 95.0, fixed_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Get the values for the results with name `result_name`. This method is similar to the `get_result_values_list` method, but instead of returning a list with the values it will return a list with the confidence intervals for those values. Parameters ---------- result_name : str The name of the desired result. P : float fixed_params : dict A python dictionary containing the fixed parameters. If `fixed_params` is provided then the returned list will be only a subset of the results that match the fixed values of the parameters in the `fixed_params` argument, where the key is the parameter's name and the value is the fixed value. See the notes in the documentation of :meth:`get_result_values_list` for an example. Returns ------- confidence_interval_list : list[np.ndarray] A list of Numpy (float) arrays. Each element in the list is an array with two elements, corresponding to the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval.8 See also -------- .calc_confidence_interval """ if fixed_params is None: fixed_params = {} if fixed_params: indexes = self.params.get_pack_indexes(fixed_params) # If indexes is just an integer, make it an iterable if not isinstance(indexes, Iterable): indexes = [indexes] out = [ v.get_confidence_interval(P) for i, v in enumerate(self[result_name]) if i in indexes ] else: # If fixed_params is an empty dictionary (default value) then # we return the full list of results out = [i.get_confidence_interval(P) for i in self[result_name]] return out
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> List[Result]: """ Get the value of the desired result. Parameters ---------- key : str Name of the desired result. Returns ------- List[Result] The desired results. """ # if key in self._results.keys(): return self._results[key] # else: # raise KeyError("Invalid key: %s" % key) def __len__(self) -> int: """Get the number of results stored in self. Returns ------- length : int Number of results stored in self. """ return len(self._results) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Result]: # pragma: no cover # """Get an iterator to the internal dictionary. Therefore iterating # through this will iterate through the dictionary keys, that is, the # name of the results stored in the SimulationResults object. # """ """ Get an iterator to the results stored in the SimulationResults object. """ return iter(self._results.values())
[docs] def get_filename_with_replaced_params(self, filename: str) -> str: """ Perform the string replacements in filename with simulation parameters. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the file to save the results. This can have string placements for replacements of simulation parameters. For instance, is `filename` is "somename_{age}.pickle" and the value of an 'age' parameter is '3', then the actual name used to save the file will be "somename_3.pickle" Returns ------- string The name of the file where the results were saved. This will be equivalent to `filename` after string replacements (with the simulation parameters) are done. """ # If filename has some replacements that cannot be done, which # would raise an exception, then we will save to the filename # without string replacements so that at least we don't lose # simulation results. try: filename = replace_dict_values(filename, self.params.parameters, True) except KeyError: # pragma: nocover pass return filename
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def _to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert the SimulationResults object to a dictionary representation. Returns ------- dict The dictionary representation of the SimulationResults object. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def list_of_results_to_list_of_dicts( result_list: List[Result]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Convert a list of Result objects into a list of dictionary representations ob Result objects. Parameters ---------- result_list : list[Result] List of Result objects. Returns ------- list[dict] List of dictionary representations of the Result objects. """ out = [r.to_dict() for r in result_list] return out # ----------------------------------------------------------------- results = { n: list_of_results_to_list_of_dicts(v) for n, v in self._results.items() } d = { 'params': self._params.to_dict(), 'runned_reps': self.runned_reps, 'original_filename': self.original_filename, 'results': results } return d
[docs] @staticmethod def _from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any]) -> "SimulationResults": """ Convert from a dictionary to a SimulationResults object. Parameters ---------- d : dict The dictionary representing the SimulationResults. Returns ------- SimulationResults The converted object. """ def list_of_dicts_to_list_of_results( result_list: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Result]: """ Convert a list of dictionary representations of Result objects to a list of Result objects. Parameters ---------- result_list : list[dict] List of dictionary representations of the Result objects. Returns ------- List[Result] List of Result objects. """ out = [Result.from_dict(r) for r in result_list] return out results = { n: list_of_dicts_to_list_of_results(v) for n, v in d['results'].items() } simresults = SimulationResults() simresults._params = SimulationParameters.from_dict(d['params']) simresults.runned_reps = d['runned_reps'] simresults.original_filename = d['original_filename'] simresults._results = results return simresults
[docs] def _save_to_pickle(self, filename: str) -> None: """ Save the SimulationResults object to the pickle file with name `filename`. Parameters ---------- filename : src Name of the file to save the SimulationResults object. """ # For python3 compatibility the file must be opened in binary mode with open(filename, 'wb') as output: # We use the protocol version 2, since it is the highest # protocol that is supported by both python 2 and python # 3. Note that we still need to be careful when unpickling, # since a file pickled with python 2 might raise a # UnicodeDecodeError exception when unpickled with python 3. We # solve this in the `load_from_config_file` method by # specifying the encoding when unpickling the file. pickle.dump(self, output, protocol=2)
[docs] def _save_to_json(self, filename: str) -> None: """ Save the SimulationResults object to the json file with name `filename`. Parameters ---------- filename : src Name of the file to save the SimulationResults object. """ with open(filename, 'w') as output: output.write(self.to_json())
[docs] def save_to_file(self, filename: str) -> str: """ Save the SimulationResults to the file `filename`. The string in `filename` can have placeholders for string replacements with any parameter value. Parameters ---------- filename : src Name of the file to save the results. This can have string placements for replacements of simulation parameters. For instance, is `filename` is "somename_{age}.pickle" and the value of an 'age' parameter is '3', then the actual name used to save the file will be "somename_3.pickle" Returns ------- string The name of the file where the results were saved. This will be equivalent to `filename` after string replacements (with the simulation parameters) are done. """ # Get the file extension (if there is any). If it is not equal to # '.pickle' that means we need to add the '.pickle' extension. ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] if ext == '': filename = '{0}.pickle'.format(filename) ext = '.pickle' # Save the original filename before string replacements self.original_filename = filename # To get the actual filename we perform the parameter replacements filename = self.get_filename_with_replaced_params(filename) # xxxxxxxxxx Finally save to the appropriated file xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ext_to_save_func_mapping = { '.pickle': self._save_to_pickle, '.json': self._save_to_json } save_func = ext_to_save_func_mapping[ext] # Save the SimulationResults to the file with the desired format save_func(filename) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx return filename
[docs] @staticmethod def _load_from_pickle_file(filename: str) -> "SimulationResults": with open(filename, 'rb') as inputfile: try: obj = pickle.load(inputfile) except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: nocover # If we pickle with python 2 and try to unpickle with # python 3 we might get a UnicodeDecodeError exception. In # that case, let's try to unpickle specifying the # 'iso-8859-1' encoding to see if it works. obj = pickle.load(inputfile, encoding='iso-8859-1') # except ValueError: # # If we pickle with python 3 and try to unpickle with # # python 2 we might get a ValueError (due to unsupported # # pickle protocol). # # # # By raising an IOError (the same exception raised by # # python when the file does not exist this will be # # interpreted as "there is no partial file". This will then # # overwrite the old partial result file in the first time # # partial results are saved. # raise IOError("Could not unpickle file '{0}'".format( # filename)) return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def _load_from_json_file(filename: str) -> "SimulationResults": with open(filename, 'r') as inputfile: json_data = obj = SimulationResults.from_json(json_data) return obj
[docs] @staticmethod def load_from_file(filename: str) -> "SimulationResults": """ Load the SimulationResults from the file `filename`. Parameters ---------- filename : src Name of the file from where the results will be loaded. Returns ------- SimulationResults The SimulationResults object loaded from the file `filename`. """ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] if ext == '': filename = '{0}.pickle'.format(filename) ext = '.pickle' ext_to_load_func_mapping = { '.pickle': SimulationResults._load_from_pickle_file, '.json': SimulationResults._load_from_json_file } load_func = ext_to_load_func_mapping[ext] return load_func(filename)
[docs] def to_dataframe(self) -> DataFrame: """ Convert the SimulationResults object to a pandas DataFrame. """ # The data dictionary that we will use to create the DataFrame data = {} all_params_list = self.params.get_unpacked_params_list() for name in self.params: data[name] = [a[name] for a in all_params_list] for res in self: name = res[0].name data[name] = [r.get_result() for r in res] try: data['runned_reps'] = self.runned_reps except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover pass df = pd.DataFrame(data) return df
# xxxxxxxxxx SimulationResults - END xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx