Source code for pyphysim.ia.algorithms

#!/usr/bin/env python

# pylint: disable=R0904
Module with implementation of Interference Alignment (IA) algorithms.

Note that all IA algorithms require the channel object and any change to
the channel object must be performed before calling the `solve` method of
the IA algorithm object. This includes generating the channel and setting
the noise variance.

import itertools
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from copy import copy
from itertools import product
from typing import (Any, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union,

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

from ..channels import multiuser as muchannels
from ..util.misc import (get_principal_component_matrix,
                         least_right_singular_vectors, leig, peig,
from .iabase import IASolverBaseClass

__all__ = [
    'AlternatingMinIASolver', 'MaxSinrIASolver', 'MinLeakageIASolver',
    'ClosedFormIASolver', 'MMSEIASolver', 'GreedStreamIASolver',
    'BruteForceStreamIASolver', 'IterativeIASolverBaseClass'

FloatOrFloatSequence = TypeVar("FloatOrFloatSequence", float, Sequence[float])
IntOrIntSequence = TypeVar("IntOrIntSequence", int, Sequence[int])

# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ClosedFormIASolver class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class ClosedFormIASolver(IASolverBaseClass): """ Implements the closed form Interference Alignment algorithm as described in the paper "Interference Alignment and Degrees of Freedom of the K User Interference Channel [CadambeDoF2008]_". Parameters ---------- multiUserChannel : muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix The multiuser channel. use_best_init : bool If true, all possible initializations (subsets of the eigenvectors of the 'E' matrix)for the first precoder will be tested and the best solution will be used. If false, the first initialization will be used. Notes ----- .. [CadambeDoF2008] V. R. Cadambe and S. A. Jafar, "Interference Alignment and Degrees of Freedom of the K User Interference Channel," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54, pp. 3425-3441, Aug. 2008. """ def __init__(self, multiUserChannel: muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix, use_best_init: bool = True): super().__init__(multiUserChannel) self._use_best_init = use_best_init # noinspection PyPep8
[docs] def _calc_E(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the "E" matrix, given by :math:`\\mtE = \\mtH_{31}^{-1}\\mtH_{32}\\mtH_{12}^{-1}\\mtH_{13}\\mtH_{23}^{-1}\\mtH_{21}`. Returns ------- np.ndarray The "E" matrix. """ # $\mtE = \mtH_{31}^{-1}\mtH_{32}\mtH_{12}^{-1}\mtH_{13}\mtH_{23}^{-1}\mtH_{21}$ H31 = self._get_channel(2, 0) H32 = self._get_channel(2, 1) H12 = self._get_channel(0, 1) H13 = self._get_channel(0, 2) H23 = self._get_channel(1, 2) H21 = self._get_channel(1, 0) E = (np.linalg.solve(H31, H32)).dot( (np.linalg.solve(H12, H13)).dot(np.linalg.solve(H23, H21))) return E
[docs] def _calc_all_F_initializations(self, Ns: int) -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Calculates all possible initializations for the first precoder (self._F[0]). The precoder self._F[0] is initialized with a subset of the eigenvectors of the matrix 'E'. Therefore, this method returns all possible subsets of the eigenvectors of the matrix 'E'. Parameters ---------- Ns : int Number of streams of the first user. Returns ------- all_initializations : list[np.ndarray] All possible subsets (with size Ns) of the eigenvectors of the matrix E """ E = self._calc_E() eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(E)[1] num_eigenvectors = eigenvectors.shape[1] all_subsets = [] for comb_index in itertools.combinations(range(num_eigenvectors), Ns): all_subsets.append(eigenvectors[:, comb_index]) return all_subsets
[docs] def _updateF(self, F0: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> None: """ Find the precoders. Parameters ---------- F0 : np.ndarray The first precoder. If not provided, the matrix 'E' will be calculated (with the _calc_E method) and the the first Ns eigenvectors will be used as F0. """ self._clear_precoder_filter() # The number of users is always 3 for the ClosedFormIASolver class self._F = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.ndarray) if F0 is None: E = self._calc_E() Ns0 = self.Ns[0] # The first precoder is given by any subset of the # eigenvectors of the "E" matrix. We simple get the first # Ns_0 eigenvectors of E. eigenvectors = np.linalg.eig(E)[1] F0 = eigenvectors[:, 0:Ns0] self._F[0] = F0 else: self._F[0] = F0 # The second precoder is given by $\mtH_{32}^{-1}\mtH_{31}\mtV_1$ invH32 = np.linalg.pinv(self._get_channel(2, 1)) H31 = self._get_channel(2, 0) self._F[1] =,, F0)) # The third precoder is given by $\mtH_{23}^{-1}\mtH_{21}\mtV_1$ invH23 = np.linalg.pinv(self._get_channel(1, 2)) H21 = self._get_channel(1, 0) self._F[2] =,, F0)) # Normalize the precoders self._F[0] /= np.linalg.norm(self._F[0], 'fro') self._F[1] /= np.linalg.norm(self._F[1], 'fro') self._F[2] /= np.linalg.norm(self._F[2], 'fro')
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def _updateW(self) -> None: """Find the receive filters """ self._clear_receive_filter() # The number of users is always 3 for the ClosedFormIASolver class self._W = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.ndarray) A0 =, 1), self.F[1]) self._W[0] = leig(, A0.transpose().conjugate()), self.Ns[0])[0] A1 =, 0), self.F[0]) self._W[1] = leig(, A1.transpose().conjugate()), self.Ns[1])[0] A2 =, 0), self.F[0]) self._W[2] = leig(, A2.transpose().conjugate()), self.Ns[2])[0]
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
[docs] def solve(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: Optional[FloatOrFloatSequence] = None) -> None: """ Find the IA solution. This method updates the 'F' and 'W' member variables. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : np.ndarray | List[float] | float, optional Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. """ assert self.K == 3, ('The ClosedFormIASolver class only works' ' in a MIMO-IC scenario with 3 users.') if isinstance(Ns, int): Ns = np.ones(3, dtype=int) * Ns else: # noinspection PyTypeChecker assert len(Ns) == 3 # Help the type system knowing that at this point Ns is a Sequence[int] assert (not isinstance(Ns, int)) # This will create a new array so that we can modify self._Ns # internally without changing the original Ns variable passed to # the solve method. self._Ns = np.array(Ns) self.P = P if self._use_best_init is True: # xxxxx Case when the best solution should be used xxxxxxxxxxxx best_sum_capacity = 0 all_initializations = self._calc_all_F_initializations(Ns[0]) # Lambda function to calculate the sum capacity from the SINR # values (in linear scale) def calc_capacity(sinr: np.ndarray) -> float: return cast(float, np.sum(np.log2(1 + sinr))) for F0 in all_initializations: self._updateF(F0) self._updateW() # Calculates the sum capacity sinr_all_k = self.calc_SINR() # Array with the sum capacity of each user sum_capacity = map(calc_capacity, sinr_all_k) # Total sum capacity total_sum_capacity = np.sum(list(sum_capacity)) if total_sum_capacity > best_sum_capacity: best_sum_capacity = total_sum_capacity best_F = self._F best_W = self._W self._clear_precoder_filter() self._clear_receive_filter() self._F = best_F self._W = best_W # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx else: # xxxxx Case when the first solution should be used xxxxxxxxxxx self._updateF() self._updateW()
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx Base Class for all iterative IA algorithms xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class IterativeIASolverBaseClass(IASolverBaseClass): """ Base class for all Iterative IA algorithms. All subclasses of IterativeIASolverBaseClass must implement at least the _updateF and _updateW methods. Solving an iterative algorithm usually involves some initialization and then performing a "step" a given number of times until convergence. The initialization code is performed in the `_solve_init` method while the "step" corresponds to the `_step` method. The initialization code is defined here as simply initializing the precoder with a random matrix and then calling the `_updateW` method (which must be implemented in a subclass) to update the receive filter. This is usually what you want but any subclass can redefine `_solve_init` if a different initialization is required. The "step" part usually involves updating the precoder and then updating the receive filters. The definition of `_step` here calls two methods that MUST be defined in subclasses, the _updateF method and the _updateW method. If anything else is required in the "step" part then the _step method can be redefined in a subclass, but even in that case it should call the _updateF and _updateW methods instead of implementing everything in your redefined _step method. Parameters ---------- multiUserChannel : muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix The multiuser channel. """ # The IterativeIASolverBaseClass is an abstract class and the # '_updateF' and '_updateW' methods (marked as abstract) must be # implemented in a subclass. __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, multiUserChannel: muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix): super().__init__(multiUserChannel) # Count how many times the step method was called. This will be # reseted to zero whenever the channel or the precoder is # reinitialized. self._runned_iterations = 0 # Number of times the step method is called in the solve method. self.max_iterations = 50 # Relative change of the precoder in one iteration to the next # one. If the relative change from one iteration to the next one is # lower than this factor then the algorithm will stop the # iterations before the max_iterations limit is reached. self.relative_factor = 1e-6 # We can use the closed form IA solver or the Alternating # Minimization IA solver to initialize the iterative # algorithm. This can reduce the number of iterations required for # convergence or even get better performance. # # Note that this is controlled by the 'initialize_with' # variable. If it is 'random' the initialization is performed with # random precoders. If it is 'closed_form' the initialization is # performed with the Closed Form algorithm, while if it is # 'alt_min' the initialization is performed with the Alternating # Minimizations algorithm. self._closed_form_ia_solver = ClosedFormIASolver(multiUserChannel, use_best_init=True) # If self is of the class AlternatingMinIASolver, then the # initialization with the Alternating Minimizations algorithm makes # no sense. self._alt_min_ia_solver: Optional[AlternatingMinIASolver] if isinstance(self, AlternatingMinIASolver): self._alt_min_ia_solver = None else: self._alt_min_ia_solver = AlternatingMinIASolver(multiUserChannel) # Can be: 'random', 'closed_form', 'alt_min', or 'fix' # # 'random' -> Precoder will be initialized randomly and then the # receive filter will be updated (using the _updateW # method which is implemented in the subclass.. # # 'closed_form' : -> The precoder and receive filters will be # initialized with the solution of the closed # form algorithm. # # 'alt_min' : -> The precoder and receive filters will be # initialized with the solution of the alternating # minimizations algorithm. # # 'fix' : The precoder is not initialized and the current value of # self.F is used. This initialization type should only be # used to call the 'solve' method a second time after it # has been called before with another of the initialization # type. This allows performing more iterations continuing # from the previous solution . This is specially useful for # debugging. self._initialize_with = 'random' # xxxxxxxxxx initialize_with property xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @property def initialize_with(self) -> str: """Get method for the initialize_with property.""" return self._initialize_with @initialize_with.setter def initialize_with(self, value: str) -> None: """ Set method for the initialize_with property. Parameters ---------- value : str A string with the initialization method. """ options = ['random', 'alt_min', 'closed_form', 'fix', 'svd'] if value in options: self._initialize_with = value else: msg = "unknown initialization option: '{0}'".format(value) raise RuntimeError(msg) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @property def runned_iterations(self) -> int: """Get method for the runned_iterations property.""" return self._runned_iterations
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear the IA Solver object. All member attributes that are updated during the solve method, such as the precoder and receive filters, will be cleared. The other attributes that correspond to "configuration" such as the channel object won't be changed Notes ----- You should overwrite this method in subclasses that pass parameters to the __init__ method, since here we call __init__ without arguments which is probably not what you want. """ IASolverBaseClass.clear(self) self._runned_iterations = 0
[docs] @abstractmethod def _updateF(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Update the precoders. Notes ----- This method should be implemented in the derived classes See also -------- _step """ raise NotImplementedError("_updateF: Not implemented")
[docs] @abstractmethod def _updateW(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Update the receive filters. Notes ----- This method should be implemented in the derived classes See also -------- _step """ raise NotImplementedError("_updateW: Not implemented")
[docs] def _step(self) -> None: """Performs one iteration of the algorithm. This method does not return anything, but instead updates the precoder and receive filter. """ self._updateF() self._updateW()
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Overwrite method in the IASolverBaseClass that change the precoder so # that they also reset the _runned_iterations attribute to zero.
[docs] def randomizeF(self, Ns: Union[int, List[int], Sequence[int]], P: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> None: self._runned_iterations = 0 # randomizeF in the base class will set `self._P` to `P` super().randomizeF(Ns, P)
randomizeF.__doc__ = IASolverBaseClass.randomizeF.__doc__ # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs] def _before_initialize_W_func(self) -> None: """ Method run in any of the initialize methods after the precoder is initialized but before the receive filter is initialized. """ pass
[docs] def _initialize_F_randomly_and_find_W(self, Ns: Sequence[int], P: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Initialize the IA Solution from a random matrix. The implementation here simple initializes the precoder variable and then calculates the initial receive filter. Parameters ---------- Ns : int np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : np.ndarray Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. """ self.randomizeF(Ns, P) # Method called before the _updateW method self._before_initialize_W_func() # Calculate the receive filters self._updateW()
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def _initialize_F_with_svd_and_find_W(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Initialize the IA Solution from the most significant singular vectors of each user's channel. The implementation here simple initializes the precoder variable of each user as the most significant singular vector(s) of that user. After that, calculate the initial receive filters. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : np.ndarray Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. """ if isinstance(Ns, int): Ns = np.ones(self.K, dtype=int) * Ns # Help the type system knowing that at this point Ns is a Sequence[int] assert (not isinstance(Ns, int)) # Create the precoder variable self._F = np.empty(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) # Set the precoder of each user with the most significant singular # vector(s) of that user's channel for k in range(self.K): Hkk = self._get_channel(k, k) # The second variable returned by least_right_singular_vectors # has the corresponds to the most significant singular # vectors. _, V1, _ = least_right_singular_vectors(Hkk, self.Nr[k] - Ns[k]) self._F[k] = V1 / np.linalg.norm(V1, 'fro') # Method called before the _updateW method self._before_initialize_W_func() # Calculate the receive filters self._updateW()
[docs] def _dont_initialize_F_and_only_and_find_W(self, *_: Any) -> None: """ Initialize the IA Solution from a random matrix. The implementation here simple initializes the precoder variable and then calculates the initial receive filter. Note: The `dummy1` and `dummy2` arguments have no effect. They only exist to keep the signature of this method equal to the signature of other *initialize* methods. """ # The current value of self._F and self._full_F will be used. if self._F is None: msg = ("The precoder must be manually set, since you specified" " the 'fix' initialize_with option.") raise RuntimeError(msg) # For the 'fix' initialization type we get the number of streams # from the initialized precoders. self._Ns = np.array([F.shape[1] for F in self._F]) # Method called before the _updateW method self._before_initialize_W_func() self._updateW()
[docs] def _initialize_F_and_W_from_closed_form(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Initialize the IA Solution from the closed form IA solver. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : np.ndarray Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. """ # Clear all precoders and receive filters self._clear_precoder_filter() self._clear_receive_filter() self.P = P self._closed_form_ia_solver.solve(Ns, P) self._F = self._closed_form_ia_solver.F # Method called before the _updateW method self._before_initialize_W_func() self._W = self._closed_form_ia_solver.W
[docs] def _initialize_F_and_W_from_alt_min(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Initialize the IA Solution from the Alternating Minimizations IA solver. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : np.ndarray Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. """ # Clear all precoders and receive filters self._clear_precoder_filter() self._clear_receive_filter() self.P = P assert (self._alt_min_ia_solver is not None) self._alt_min_ia_solver.max_iterations = self.max_iterations self._alt_min_ia_solver.solve(Ns, P) self._F = self._alt_min_ia_solver.F # Method called before the _updateW method self._before_initialize_W_func() self._W = np.empty(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) for k in range(self.K): Wk = self._alt_min_ia_solver.W[k] self._W[k] = Wk / np.linalg.norm(Wk, 'fro')
[docs] def _solve_init(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: FloatOrFloatSequence) -> None: """ Code run in the `solve` method before the loop that run the :meth:`_step` method. The implementation here simple initializes the precoder variable and then calculates the initial receive filter. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : float | np.ndarray Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. """ self.P = P # initialize_with can be: 'random', 'fix', 'closed_form', # 'alt_min', or 'svd' options = { 'random': self._initialize_F_randomly_and_find_W, 'alt_min': self._initialize_F_and_W_from_alt_min, 'closed_form': self._initialize_F_and_W_from_closed_form, 'fix': self._dont_initialize_F_and_only_and_find_W, 'svd': self._initialize_F_with_svd_and_find_W } initialzie_func = options[self.initialize_with] initialzie_func(Ns, P) # type: ignore
[docs] def _solve_finalize(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Perform any post processing after the solution has been found. Some of the found precoders may be a singular matrix. In that case, we need to remove the dimensions with zero energy from both the found precoder and the receive filter. """ # Store the index of the users from which we need to modify the # precoders and receive filters mod_users = [] num_significant_sing_values = [] assert (self._F is not None) assert (self._full_F is not None) for k in range(self.K): # We only need to perform further actions if more then one # streams is transmitted. In that case we need to test if the # final precoder has a large condition number indicating that # some dimensions has very low energy and could be # discarded. If only one stream is transmitted then the # condition number is always equal to 1. if self.Ns[k] > 1: [_, S, _] = np.linalg.svd(self._F[k]) # If the condition number os large, then there is some # dimension with zero energy cond = S.max() / S.min() if cond > 1e4: mod_users.append(k) # [U, S, V_H] = np.linalg.svd(self._F[k]) max_sing_value = S.max().item() # Calculate the number of significative singular # values. Basically, any singular value (and # corresponding dimension) lower then # max_sing_value/1e4 will be discarded. n = np.count_nonzero(np.greater(S, max_sing_value / 1.0e4)) # Store the number of significative singular values for # that user num_significant_sing_values.append(n) new_F = get_principal_component_matrix(self._F[k], n) # Normalize new_F new_F /= np.linalg.norm(new_F, 'fro') self._F[k] = new_F if self._full_F[k] is not None: # Original norm of the _full_F[k] precoder original_norm = np.linalg.norm(self._full_F[k], 'fro') new_full_F = get_principal_component_matrix( self._full_F[k], n) # Restore the original norm new_full_F = new_full_F / np.linalg.norm( new_full_F, 'fro') * original_norm self._full_F[k] = new_full_F self.Ns[k] = n # If we modified any of the precoders then the mod_users list has # the index of the users whose precoders were modified. We need to # also modify the receive filter for those users. if len(mod_users) > 0: # Note that we still need to remove the dead dimensions of # the receive filter. However, depending on the algorithm, # either the _W or the _W_H member variable was set while # the other is None (at this point). if self._W_H is None: assert (self._W is not None) # Since _W_H is None that means that we need to modify # the _W member variable for k, n in zip(mod_users, num_significant_sing_values): new_W = get_principal_component_matrix(self._W[k], n) self._W[k] = new_W elif self._W is None: # Since _W is None that means that we need to modify the # _W_H member variable for k, n in zip(mod_users, num_significant_sing_values): W = self._W_H[k].conj().T new_W = get_principal_component_matrix(W, n) self._W_H[k] = new_W.conj().T else: # If both self._W and self._W_H are not None then # something wrong happened. Maybe you called the self.W # or the self.W_H properties by mistake before # _solve_finalize is called (in the solve method). raise Exception("I should not be here.")
[docs] @classmethod def _is_diff_significant(cls, F_old: np.ndarray, F_new: np.ndarray, relative_factor: float) -> bool: """ Test if there was any significant change from `F_old` to `F_new`. This method is used internally in the solve method of the IterativeIASolverBaseClass to detect when the precoder of a given iteration didn't change significantly from one iteration to another. This is used to stop the iterations of the algorithm and avoid unnecessary computations. Parameters ---------- F_old : np.ndarray The precoder of all users (in a previous iteration). This is a 1D numpy array of numpy arrays. F_new : np.ndarray The precoder of all users (in the current iteration). This is a 1D numpy array of numpy arrays. relative_factor : float Relative change of the precoder in one iteration to the next one. If the relative change from one iteration to the next one is lower than this factor then the algorithm will stop the iterations before the max_iterations limit is reached. Returns ------- out : bool True if the difference is significant, False otherwise. Notes ----- A difference is considered significant if it is larger then 1/1000 of the minimum value in the precoder. """ K = F_old.size for k in range(K): Fk_old = F_old[k] Fk_new = F_new[k] min_value = np.abs(Fk_new).min() diff = np.abs(Fk_new - Fk_old) max_diff = diff.max() if max_diff > (min_value * relative_factor): return True return False
[docs] def solve(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: Optional[FloatOrFloatSequence] = None) -> int: """ Find the IA solution by performing the :meth:`_step` method several times. The number of times the :meth:`_step` method is run is controlled by the max_iterations member variable. Before calling the :meth:`_step` method for the first time the `_solve_init` method is called to perform any required initializations. Since iterative IA algorithms usually starts with a random precoder then the `_solve_init` implementation in IterativeIASolverBaseClass calls randomizeF. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : np.ndarray | List[float] | float, optional Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. Returns ------- Number of iterations that the iterative interference alignment algorithm run. Notes ----- You probably should not overwrite this method in sub-classes of the IterativeIASolverBaseClass. If you want to change the initialization of the algorithm overwrite the _solve_init method instead. Subclasses must implement the _updateF() and _updateW() methods. If something else besides calling these two methods is required in the "step" part of the algorithm, then reimplement also the _step() method. """ if isinstance(Ns, int): Ns = np.ones(self.K, dtype=int) * Ns else: # noinspection PyTypeChecker assert len(Ns) == self.K # This will create a new array so that we can modify self._Ns # internally without changing the original Ns variable passed to # the randomizeF method. self._Ns = np.array(Ns, dtype=int) self._solve_init(Ns, P) # type: ignore # This will be used to detect of the precoder did not # significative change # TODO: Should I use full_F instead of F??? old_F = self._F for _ in range(self.max_iterations): self._runned_iterations += 1 self._step() # Stop the iteration earlier if the precoder does not change # too much if self._is_diff_significant(old_F, self._F, self.relative_factor) is False: break # pragma: no cover old_F = self._F # Perform any post processing after the precoder and receive # filters where found. One possible usage for this method is to # remove dimensions of the precoder (and receive filter) that have # actually zero energy. That is, if the precoder ends up being a # singular matrix we can implement _solve_finalize to remove the # dimensions that do not contribute. self._solve_finalize() # Return the number of iterations the algorithm run return self._runned_iterations
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx AlternatingMinIASolver Class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class AlternatingMinIASolver(IterativeIASolverBaseClass): """ Implements the "Interference Alignment via Alternating Minimization" algorithm from the paper with the same name [PetersHeathAltMin2009]_. This algorithm is applicable to a "K-user" scenario and it is very flexible in the sense that you can change the number of transmit antennas, receive antennas and streams per user, as well as the number of users involved in the IA process. However, note that alignment is only feasible for some cases configurations. An example of a common scenario is a scenario with 3 pairs or transmitter/receiver with 2 antennas in each node and 1 stream transmitted per node. You can determine the scenario of an AlternatingMinIASolver object by inferring the variables K, Nt, Nr and Ns. Parameters ---------- multiUserChannel : muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix The multiuser channel. Notes ----- .. [PetersHeathAltMin2009] Peters, S.W.; Heath, R.W., "Interference alignment via alternating minimization," Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2009. ICASSP 2009. IEEE International Conference on, pp.2445,2448, 19-24 April 2009 """ def __init__(self, multiUserChannel: muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix): super().__init__(multiUserChannel) self._C: List[np.ndarray] = [ ] # Basis of the interference subspace for each user # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Overwrite the set property for 'initialize_with' to remove the # 'alt_min' initialization type, since it does not make sense. # noinspection PyMethodOverriding,PyIncorrectDocstring @IterativeIASolverBaseClass.initialize_with.setter # type: ignore def initialize_with(self, value: str) -> None: """Set method for the initialize_with property.""" if value == 'alt_min': # pragma: nocover msg = "Can't use '{0}' initialization with '{1}' class '{0}'" raise RuntimeError(msg.format(value, self.__class__.__name__)) IterativeIASolverBaseClass.initialize_with.fset( # type: ignore self, value)
[docs] def get_cost(self) -> float: """ Get the Cost of the algorithm for the current iteration of the precoder. Returns ------- cost : float The Cost of the algorithm for the current iteration of the precoder. This is a real non-negative number. """ Cost = 0 # This will get all combinations of (k,l) without repetition. This # is equivalent to two nested for loops with an if statement to # only execute the code only when `k` is different of `l`. all_kl_indexes = itertools.permutations(range(self.K), 2) for kl in all_kl_indexes: (k, l) = kl Hkl_Fl =, l), self.full_F[l]) Cost += np.linalg.norm( Hkl_Fl -[k], self._C[k].transpose().conjugate()), Hkl_Fl), 'fro')**2 return Cost
[docs] def _before_initialize_W_func(self) -> None: """ Method run in any of the initialize methods after the precoder is initialized but before the receive filter is initialized. """ self._updateC()
[docs] def _step(self) -> None: """ Performs one iteration of the algorithm. The step method is usually all you need to call to perform an iteration of the Alternating Minimization algorithm. It will update C, then update F and finally update W. See also -------- _updateC, _updateF, _updateW """ # Note that before the `_step` method is called the first time, the # _solve_init method must be called. It will initialize the # precoders, the C matrices and the receive filters. self._updateF() # Depend on the value of C self._updateC() # The value of C depend on the precoders F
# Note that in the Alternating Minimizations algorithm we do not # need to update the receive filters at each iteration, since the # precoders only depend on the values of the 'C' matrices. Because # of that, we will only update the receive filters in the # _solve_finalize method, which is called after the algorithm # converged.
[docs] def _solve_finalize(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """Perform any post processing after the solution has been found. """ # Note that in the Alternating Minimizations algorithm we do not # need to update the receive filters at each iteration, since the # precoders only depend on the values of the 'C' matrices. Because # of that, we will only update the receive filters in the # _solve_finalize method, which is called only once after the # algorithm converged. self._updateW() # Depend on the value of C IterativeIASolverBaseClass._solve_finalize(self)
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs] def _updateC(self) -> None: """Update the value of Ck for all K users. Ck contains the orthogonal basis of the interference subspace of user k. It corresponds to the Nk-Sk dominant eigenvectors of :math:`\\sum_{l \\neq k} \\mtH_{k,l} \\mtF_l \\mtF_l^H \\mtH_{k,l}^H`. Notes ----- This method is called in the :meth:`_step` method. See also -------- _step """ # $$\sum_{l \neq k} \mtH_{k,l} \mtF_l \mtF_l^H \mtH_{k,l}^H$$ # xxxxxxxxxx New Implementation using calc_Q xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ni = self.Nr - self.Ns # Ni: Dimension of the interference subspace self._C = np.empty(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) for k in np.arange(self.K): # TODO: Implement and test with external interference # # We are inside only of the first for loop # # Add the external interference contribution # self._C[k] = self.calc_Q(k) + self.Rk[k] # C[k] will receive the Ni most dominant eigenvectors of C[k] self._C[k] = peig(self.calc_Q(k), Ni[k])[0]
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs] def _updateF(self) -> None: """ Update the value of the precoder of all K users. Fl, the precoder of the l-th user, tries avoid as much as possible to send energy into the desired signal subspace of the other users. Fl contains the Sl least dominant eigenvectors of :math:`\\sum_{k \\neq l} H_{k,l}^H (I - C_k C_k^H)H_{k,l}` Notes ----- This method is called in the :meth:`_step` method. See also -------- _step """ # $\sum_{k \neq l} \mtH_{k,l}^H (\mtI - \mtC_k \mtC_k^H)\mtH_{k,l}$ # xxxxx Calculates the temporary variable Y[k] for all k xxxxxxxxxx # Note that $\mtY[k] = (\mtI - \mtC_k \mtC_k^H)$ self._clear_precoder_filter() # The number of users is always 3 for the ClosedFormIASolver class self._F = np.zeros(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) def calc_Y(Nr: int, C: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return (np.eye(Nr, dtype=complex) -, C.conjugate().transpose())) Y = list(map(calc_Y, self.Nr, self._C)) newF = np.zeros(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) # This will get all combinations of (l,k) without repetition. This # is equivalent to two nested for loops with an if statement to # only execute the code only when `l` is different of `k` all_lk_indexes = itertools.permutations(range(self.K), 2) # This code will store in newF[l] the equivalent of # $\sum_{k \neq l} \mtH_{k,l}^H (\mtI - \mtC_k \mtC_k^H)H_{k,l}$ for lk in all_lk_indexes: (l, k) = lk lH = self._get_channel(k, l) newF[l] = newF[l] +, Y[k]), lH) # Every element in newF is a matrix. We want to replace each # element by the least dominant eigenvectors of that element. for k in range(self.K): self._F[k] = leig(newF[k], self.Ns[k])[0] self._F[k] /= np.linalg.norm(self._F[k], 'fro')
[docs] def _updateW(self) -> None: """ Update the zero-forcing filters. The zero-forcing filter is calculated in the paper "MIMO Interference Alignment Over Correlated Channels with Imperfect CSI". Notes ----- This method is called in the :meth:`_step` method. See also -------- _step """ self._clear_receive_filter() # Note that the formula for the receive filter in the "Interference # Alignment via Alternating Minimization" paper actually calculates # W_H instead of W. newW_H = np.zeros(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) assert (self._F is not None) for k in np.arange(self.K): tildeHi = np.hstack( [, k), self._F[k]), self._C[k]]) newW_H[k] = np.linalg.inv(tildeHi) # We only want the first Ns[k] lines newW_H[k] = newW_H[k][0:self.Ns[k]] self._W_H = newW_H
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MinLeakageIASolver class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class MinLeakageIASolver(IterativeIASolverBaseClass): """ Implements the Minimum Leakage Interference Alignment algorithm as described in the paper "Approaching the Capacity of Wireless Networks through Distributed Interference Alignment [Cadambe2008]_". Parameters ---------- multiUserChannel : muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix The multiuser channel. """ def __init__(self, multiUserChannel: muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix): super().__init__(multiUserChannel)
[docs] def get_cost(self) -> float: """ Get the Cost of the algorithm for the current iteration of the precoder. For the Minimum Leakage Interference Alignment algorithm the cost is equivalent to the sum of the interference that all users see after applying the receive filter. That is, :math:`C = Tr[\\mtU_k^H \\mtQ_k \\mtU_k]` Returns ------- cost : float The Cost of the algorithm for the current iteration of the precoder. This is a (real non-negative number). """ # $$C = Tr[\mtU_k^H \mtQ_k \mtU_k]$$ assert (self._W is not None) cost = 0 for k in range(self.K): Qk = self.calc_Q(k) Wk = self._W[k] aux =, Qk), Wk) cost = cost + np.trace(np.abs(aux)) return cost
[docs] def _calc_Uk_all_k(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the receive filter of all users. Returns ------- np.ndarray The Uk array of each user. This is a 1D numpy array of numpy arrays. """ Uk = np.empty(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) for k in range(self.K): Qk = self.calc_Q(k) [V, _] = leig(Qk, self.Ns[k]) Uk[k] = V return Uk
[docs] def _calc_Uk_all_k_rev(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the receive filter of all users in the reverse network. Returns ------- np.ndarray The Uk array of each user. This is a 1D numpy array of numpy arrays. """ Uk_rev = np.empty(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) for k in range(self.K): Qk_rev = self.calc_Q_rev(k) [V, _] = leig(Qk_rev, self.Ns[k]) Uk_rev[k] = V return Uk_rev
[docs] def _updateF(self) -> None: """ Update the precoders. Notes ----- This method is called in the :meth:`IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step` method. See also -------- IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step """ self._clear_precoder_filter() self._F = self._calc_Uk_all_k_rev()
[docs] def _updateW(self) -> None: """ Update the receive filters. Notes ----- This method is called in the :meth:`IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step` method. See also -------- IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step """ self._clear_receive_filter() self._W = self._calc_Uk_all_k()
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MaxSinrIASolver class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class MaxSinrIASolver(IterativeIASolverBaseClass): """Implements the "Interference Alignment via Max SINR" algorithm. This algorithm is applicable to a "K-user" scenario and it is described in [Cadambe2008]_. An example of a common scenario is a scenario with 3 pairs or transmitter/receiver with 2 antennas in each node and 1 stream transmitted per node. You can determine the scenario of an MaxSinrIASolver object by inferring the variables K, Nt, Nr and Ns. Parameters ---------- multiUserChannel : muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix The multiuser channel. """ def __init__(self, multiUserChannel: muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix): super().__init__(multiUserChannel) # noinspection PyPep8
[docs] def _calc_Bkl_cov_matrix_first_part_rev(self, k: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the first part in the equation of the Blk covariance matrix of the reverse channel. Parameters ---------- k : int Index of the desired user. Returns ------- Bkl_first_part_rev : np.ndarray First part in equation (28) of [Cadambe2008]_, but for the reverse channel. See also -------- _calc_Bkl_cov_matrix_first_part_rev """ # $$\sum_{j=1}^{K} \frac{P^{[j]}}{d^{[j]}} \sum_{d=1}^{d^{[j]}} \mtH^{[kj]}\mtV_{\star d}^{[j]} \mtV_{\star d}^{[j]\dagger} \mtH^{[kj]\dagger}$$ P = self.P first_part = 0.0 assert (self._W is not None) for j in range(self.K): Hkj = self._get_channel_rev(k, j) Hkj_H = Hkj.conjugate().transpose() Vj = self._W[j] # The lets make sure the receive filter norm is equal to one so # that we can correctly scale it to the desired power. assert np.linalg.norm(Vj, 'fro') - 1.0 < 1e-6 assert (isinstance(P, np.ndarray)) assert (isinstance(self._Ns, np.ndarray)) Vj_H = Vj.conjugate().transpose() first_part += (float(P[j]) / self._Ns[j]) * Hkj,, Vj_H), Hkj_H)) return first_part
# noinspection PyPep8,PyPep8
[docs] def _calc_Bkl_cov_matrix_second_part_rev(self, k: int, l: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the second part in the equation of the Blk covariance matrix of the reverse channel.. The second part is given by :math:`\\frac{P^{[k]}}{d^{[k]}} \\mtH^{[kk]} \\mtV_{\\star l}^{[k]} \\mtV_{\\star l}^{[k]\\dagger} \\mtH^{[kk]\\dagger}` Parameters ---------- k : int Index of the desired user. l : int Index of the desired stream. Returns ------- second_part : np.ndarray Second part in equation (28) of [Cadambe2008]_. """ # $$\frac{P^{[k]}}{d^{[k]}} \mtH^{[kk]} \mtV_{\star l}^{[k]} \mtV_{\star l}^{[k]\dagger} \mtH^{[kk]\dagger}$$ P = self.P Hkk = self._get_channel_rev(k, k) Hkk_H = Hkk.transpose().conjugate() assert (self._W is not None) Vkl = self._W[k][:, l:l + 1] Vkl_H = Vkl.transpose().conjugate() second_part =,, Vkl_H), Hkk_H)) assert (isinstance(P, np.ndarray)) assert (isinstance(self._Ns, np.ndarray)) return second_part * (float(P[k]) / self._Ns[k])
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs] def _calc_Bkl_cov_matrix_all_l_rev(self, k: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the interference-plus-noise covariance matrix for all streams at "receiver" :math:`k` for the reverse channel. Parameters ---------- k : int Index of the desired user. Returns ------- Bkl_rev : np.ndarray Covariance matrix of all streams of user k. Each element of the returned 1D numpy array is a 2D numpy complex array corresponding to the covariance matrix of one stream of user k. """ # $$\mtB^{[kl]} = \sum_{j=1}^{K} \frac{P^{[j]}}{d^{[j]}} \sum_{d=1}^{d^{[j]}} \mtH^{[kj]}\mtV_{\star l}^{[j]} \mtV_{\star l}^{[j]\dagger} \mtH^{[kj]\dagger} - \frac{P^{[k]}}{d^{[k]}} \mtH^{[kk]} \mtV_{\star l}^{[k]} \mtV_{\star l}^{[k]\dagger} \mtH^{[kk]\dagger} + \mtI_{N^{[k]}}$$ assert (isinstance(self._Ns, np.ndarray)) Bkl_all_l_rev = np.empty(self._Ns[k], dtype=np.ndarray) first_part = self._calc_Bkl_cov_matrix_first_part_rev(k) for l in range(self._Ns[k]): second_part = self._calc_Bkl_cov_matrix_second_part_rev(k, l) Bkl_all_l_rev[l] = first_part - second_part + (self.noise_var * np.eye(self.Nt[k])) return Bkl_all_l_rev
[docs] @classmethod def _calc_Ukl(cls, Hkk: np.ndarray, Vk: np.ndarray, Bkl: np.ndarray, l: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the Ukl matrix in equation (29) of [Cadambe2008]_. Parameters ---------- Hkk : np.ndarray Channel from transmitter K to receiver K. Vk : np.ndarray Precoder of user k. Bkl : np.ndarray The previously calculates Bkl matrix in equation (28) of [Cadambe2008]_ l : int Index of the desired stream Returns ------- Ukl : np.ndarray The calculated Ukl matrix. This is a 2D numpy array (with self.Nr[k] rows and a single column). """ Vkl = Vk[:, l:l + 1] Ukl = np.linalg.solve(Bkl,, Vkl)) Ukl /= np.linalg.norm(Ukl, 'fro') return Ukl
[docs] @classmethod def _calc_Uk(cls, Hkk: np.ndarray, Vk: np.ndarray, Bkl_all_l: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Similar to the :meth:`_calc_Ukl` method, but while :meth:`_calc_Ukl` calculates the receive filter (a vector) only for the :math:`l`-th stream :meth:`_calc_Uk` calculates a receive filter (a matrix) for all streams. Parameters ---------- Hkk : np.ndarray Channel from transmitter K to receiver K. Vk : np.ndarray Precoder of user k. Bkl_all_l : np.ndarray Covariance matrix of all streams of user k. Each element of the returned 1D numpy array is a 2D numpy complex array corresponding to the covariance matrix of one stream of user k. Returns ------- Uk : np.ndarray The receive filter for all streams of user k. """ num_streams = Bkl_all_l.size num_Rx = Bkl_all_l[0].shape[0] Uk = np.zeros([num_Rx, num_streams], dtype=complex) for l in range(num_streams): Uk[:, l] = MaxSinrIASolver._calc_Ukl(Hkk, Vk, Bkl_all_l[l], l)[:, 0] return Uk / np.linalg.norm(Uk, 'fro')
[docs] def _calc_Uk_all_k(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the receive filter of all users. Returns ------- np.ndarray The receive filter of all users. This is a numpy array of numpy arrays. """ Uk = np.empty(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) assert (self._F is not None) for k in range(self.K): Hkk = self._get_channel(k, k) Bkl_all_l = self._calc_Bkl_cov_matrix_all_l(k, self.noise_var) Uk[k] = self._calc_Uk(Hkk, self._F[k], Bkl_all_l) return Uk
[docs] def _calc_Uk_all_k_rev(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the receive filter of all users for the reverse channel. Returns ------- np.ndarray The receive filter of all users for the reverse channel. This is a numpy array of numpy arrays. """ Uk = np.empty(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) assert (self._W is not None) F = self._W # The precoder is the receive filter of the direct channel for k in range(self.K): Hkk = self._get_channel_rev(k, k) Bkl_all_l = self._calc_Bkl_cov_matrix_all_l_rev(k) Uk[k] = self._calc_Uk(Hkk, F[k], Bkl_all_l) return Uk
[docs] def _updateF(self) -> None: """ Update the precoders. Notes ----- This method is called in the :meth:`IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step` method. See also -------- IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step """ self._clear_precoder_filter() self._F = self._calc_Uk_all_k_rev()
[docs] def _updateW(self) -> None: """ Update the receive filters. Notes ----- This method is called in the :meth:`IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step` method. See also -------- IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step """ self._clear_receive_filter() self._W = self._calc_Uk_all_k()
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MMSEIASolver Class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class MMSEIASolver(IterativeIASolverBaseClass): """ Implements the MMSE based Interference Alignment algorithm. This algorithm is applicable to a "K-user" scenario and it is described in [Peters2011]_. An example of a common scenario is a scenario with 3 pairs or transmitter/receiver with 2 antennas in each node and 1 stream transmitted per node. You can determine the scenario of an MMSEIASolver object by inferring the variables K, Nt, Nr and Ns. Parameters ---------- multiUserChannel : muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix The multiuser channel. Notes ----- .. [Peters2011] S. W. Peters and R. W. Heath, "Cooperative Algorithms for MIMO Interference Channels," vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 206-218, 2011. """ def __init__(self, multiUserChannel: muchannels.MultiUserChannelMatrix): super().__init__(multiUserChannel) self._mu: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
[docs] def _solve_init(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Code run in the `solve` method before the loop that run the :meth:`IterativeIASolverBaseClass._step` method. The implementation here simple initializes the precoder variable and then calculates the initial receive filter. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : np.ndarray Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. """ IterativeIASolverBaseClass._solve_init(self, Ns, P) self._mu = np.zeros(self.K, dtype=float)
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs] def _calc_Uk(self, k: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the receive filter of the k-th user. Parameters ---------- k : int User index Returns ------- Uk : np.ndarray The receive filter of the user 'k'. """ # $$\mtU_k = \left( \sum_{i=1}^K \mtH_{ki} \mtV_i \mtV_i^H \mtH_{ki}^H + \sigma_n^2 \mtI \right)^{-1} \mtH_{kk} \mtV_k$$ Hkk = self._get_channel(k, k) Vk = self.full_F[k] sum_term = 0 for i in range(self.K): Hki = self._get_channel(k, i) Vi = self.full_F[i] aux =, Vi) sum_term = sum_term +, aux.conj().T) sum_term2 = sum_term + self.noise_var * np.eye(self.Nr[k]) ":type: np.ndarray" Uk = np.linalg.solve(sum_term2,, Vk)) return Uk
[docs] def _updateW(self) -> None: """ Updates the receive filter of all users. """ new_W = np.zeros(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) for k in range(self.K): new_W[k] = self._calc_Uk(k) self._clear_receive_filter() self._W = new_W
[docs] @staticmethod def _calc_Vi_for_a_given_mu(sum_term: np.ndarray, mu_i: float, H_herm_U: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the value of Vi for the given parameters. This method is called inside _calc_Vi. Parameters ---------- sum_term : np.ndarray The summation term in the formula to calculate the precoder. mu_i : float The value of the lagrange multiplier H_herm_U : np.ndarray The value of :math:`H_ii^H U_i` Returns ------- np.ndarray The Vi matrix for the given parameters. """ N = sum_term.shape[0] Vi = np.linalg.solve(sum_term + mu_i * np.eye(N), H_herm_U) # Vi = + mu_i * np.eye(N)), # H_herm_U) return Vi
[docs] @staticmethod def _calc_Vi_for_a_given_mu2(inv_sum_term: np.ndarray, mu_i: float, H_herm_U: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the value of Vi for the given parameters. This method is called inside _calc_Vi. Parameters ---------- inv_sum_term : np.ndarray The inverse of the summation term in the formula to calculate the precoder when mu_i is equal to zero. mu_i : float The value of the lagrange multiplier H_herm_U : np.ndarray The value of :math:`H_ii^H U_i` Returns ------- np.ndarray The Vi matrix for the given parameters. """ N = inv_sum_term.shape[0] diagonal = mu_i * np.ones(N) # Vector of N elements new_inv = update_inv_sum_diag(inv_sum_term, diagonal) Vi =, H_herm_U) return Vi
# noinspection PyPep8
[docs] def _calc_Vi(self, i: int, mu_i: Optional[float] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the precoder of the i-th user. Parameters ---------- i : int User index mu_i : float, optional The value of the Lagrange multiplier. If it is None (default), then the best value will be found and used to calculate the precoder. Returns ------- Vi : np.ndarray The calculate precoder of the i-th user. """ # $$\mtV_i = \left( \sum_{k=1}^K \mtH_{ki}^H \mtU_k \mtU_k^H \mtH_{ki} + \mu_i \mtI \right)^{-1} \mtH_{ii}^H \mtU_i$$ # H_{ii}^H * Ui Hii_herm_U =, i).conj().T, self.W[i]) # xxxxx Calculates the Summation term xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sum_term = np.array([0.0]) for k in range(self.K): # H_{ki}^H * Uk aux =, i).conj().T, self.W[k]) sum_term = sum_term +, aux.conj().T) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx Perform diagonal loading if it is necessary xxxxxxxxxx # Occasionally (specially for the low SNR values) sum_term may be a # singular matrix. In that case, we add a diagonal loading factor # to make the sum_term non-singular. This diagonal loading # corresponding to summing an identity matrix times a load_factor # to the sum_term, where this load_factor is arbitrarily calculated # as 1/100 of the mean of the eigen values of the singular # sum_term. # Calculates the SVD of sum_term so that we can calculate the # condition number. [_, S, _] = np.linalg.svd(sum_term) cond = S.max() / S.min() load_factor = 0.0 # If the condition number is larger than 1e8 we consider sum_term # as a singular matrix, which means that we will perform the # diagonal loading if cond > 5e4: # pragma: no cover # Calculates the load_factor (arbitrarily chosen as 1/100 the # mean of the current singular values of sum_term). load_factor = S.mean() / 100.0 # pylint: disable= E1103 sum_term += np.eye(sum_term.shape[0]) * load_factor # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx Case when the best mu value must be found xxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx assert (isinstance(self._mu, np.ndarray)) if mu_i is None: # xxxxx Define the function that will be optimized xxxxxxxxxxxx # noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyIncorrectDocstring def func(local_mu: float, local_sum_term: np.ndarray, local_Hii_herm_U: np.ndarray, local_P: float) -> float: """ Function that will be optimized to find the best value of local_mu. """ Vi = self._calc_Vi_for_a_given_mu(local_sum_term, local_mu, local_Hii_herm_U) norm = np.linalg.norm(Vi, 'fro') cost = (norm**2) - local_P return cast(float, cost) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx Scale Hii_herm_U and sum_term xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Depending of the transmit power the value of 'Hii^H Ui' and # `sum_term` can be very big (or maybe very small). This may # cause precision problems in the optimization of the Lagrange # multiplier mu. To avoid this problem we will scale both # 'Hii^H Ui' and `sum_term` by this `scale_factor` to avoid # that. # # Note that THIS WILL NOT CHANGE the final value of Vi, # although the Lagrange multiplier will be different. scale_factor = np.linalg.norm(Hii_herm_U) Hii_herm_U /= scale_factor sum_term /= scale_factor # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx min_mu_i = 0.0 cost = func(min_mu_i, sum_term, Hii_herm_U, self.P[i]) # If cost is lower than or equal to zero then the power # constraint is already satisfied and we are done. The value of # mu will be min_mu_i. if cost <= 0: assert (self._mu is not None) mu_i = min_mu_i Vi = self._calc_Vi_for_a_given_mu(sum_term, mu_i, Hii_herm_U) self._mu[i] = mu_i else: try: # If we are not done yet then we need to perform the # bisection method to find the best mu value between # min_mu_i and max_mu_i mu_i = optimize.newton( # pylint: disable= E1101 func, min_mu_i, args=(sum_term, Hii_herm_U, self.P[i]), maxiter=200) except RuntimeError: # pragma: nocover # We get a RuntimeError if the maximum number of # iterations has been reached. raise RuntimeError( "Could not find optimum Lagrange multiplier in 200" " iterations.") # xxxxxxxxxx Handle case where a bad mu_i was found xxxxxxx # Sometimes the optimization algorithm finds a solution, # but it is clearly wrong with a very high value of # mu_i. In that case we will do some scaling and try again. assert (isinstance(mu_i, float)) if abs(mu_i) > 1e20: mu_i = optimize.newton(func, min_mu_i, args=(sum_term * 10, Hii_herm_U * 10, self.P[i]), maxiter=200) mu_i /= 10. cost = func(mu_i, sum_term, Hii_herm_U, self.P[i]) # If our new solution is still bad then we raise a # RuntimeError exception to indicate that a good # solution was not found if cost > self.P[i] / 1e6: # Cost is still positive. The current value for mu # can't be used, since the power restriction will # not be valid. Note that we allow a positive cost # lower then self.P[i]/1e6 since this will be # relatively close to zero. msg = "Could not find a good Lagrange multiplier" raise RuntimeError(msg) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Now that we have the best value for mu_i, lets calculate Vi Vi = self._calc_Vi_for_a_given_mu(sum_term, mu_i, Hii_herm_U) # Vi = self._calc_Vi_for_a_given_mu2( # inv_sum_term, mu_i, Hii_herm_U) # If any load_factor was added (in case the original # sum_term is a singular matrix) we will add it to the # optimum mu_i, since this is the effective value of mu_i. self._mu[i] = mu_i + load_factor # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx Case when the mu value is provided xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx else: self._mu[i] = mu_i Vi = self._calc_Vi_for_a_given_mu(sum_term, mu_i, Hii_herm_U) # Vi = self._calc_Vi_for_a_given_mu2(inv_sum_term, # mu_i, Hii_herm_U) return Vi
[docs] def _updateF(self) -> None: """ Updates the precoder of all users. """ # Note that _mu should never be negative. By setting the values to # -1 here if after the solve method some element in _mu is still # negative then something was not right. self._mu = -1.0 * np.ones(self.K, dtype=float) Vi = np.zeros(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) norm_Vi = np.zeros(self.K, dtype=np.ndarray) for k in range(self.K): # Note: The square of the Frobenius norm of Vi is NOT equal to # one. Since the full_F property will apply the correct power # scaling, the norm of self._F must be equal to one. Vi[k] = self._calc_Vi(k) norm_Vi[k] = Vi[k] / np.linalg.norm(Vi[k], 'fro') self._clear_precoder_filter() self._full_F = Vi self._F = norm_Vi
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx GreedStreamIASolver Class xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class GreedStreamIASolver: """ Implements the Greed Stream Interference Alignment algorithm variation. This is not a new IA algorithm, but rather a variation of existing IA algorithms. The idea is to use another IA algorithm to find the IA solution for the desired maximum number of streams. After the solution is found, we remove the worst stream and use the same algorithm again to find a new solution. If the solution after the stream reduction provided a larger sum capacity we remove the worst stream again and keep going until each user has only one stream or the sum capacity after stream reduction is lower. The final solution will be for the number of streams that yielded the largest sum capacity. Parameters ---------- iasolver_obj : T <= IASolverBaseClass Must be an object of a derived class of IterativeIASolverBaseClass. """ def __init__(self, iasolver_obj: Type[IASolverBaseClass]): self._iasolver = iasolver_obj self._runned_iterations = 0 # #super().__init__(multiUserChannel) # # Maximum number of iterations that the underlying iterative IA # # algorithm can run for a given stream configuration. # self.max_iterations_per_run = 50 # # Relative change of the precoder of the underlying algorithm to # # consider if the algorithm converged. # self.relative_factor = 1e-6 # Store the full_F, W_H and Ns for the previous stream # configuration self._old_F: Optional[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None self._old_full_F: Optional[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None self._old_W_H: Optional[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None self._old_Ns: Optional[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None @property def runned_iterations(self) -> int: """ Get method for the runned_iterations property. Returns ------- int The number of runned iterations. """ return self._runned_iterations
[docs] def solve(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: Optional[FloatOrFloatSequence] = None) -> int: """ Find the IA solution. This method updates the 'F' and 'W' member variables. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray Number of streams of each user. P : np.ndarray | List[float] | float, optional Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. Returns ------- int Number of iterations the iterative interference alignment algorithm run. """ assert (isinstance(self._iasolver, IterativeIASolverBaseClass)) self._iasolver.clear() self._runned_iterations = 0 # Find the solution for the number of asked streams. Note that # depending of the underlying IA algorithm the number of streams in # the solution for some user(s) can be lower then the values in Ns self._runned_iterations += self._iasolver.solve(Ns, P) # We check if any user has more then one stream, since otherwise we # can't remove any stream. # # The keep_going variable will then indicate if stream reduction should # be tried. If there is no user with more then one stream then we have # no way to reduce a stream. keep_going = bool(np.any(np.greater(self._iasolver.Ns, 1))) while keep_going is True: # xxxxxxxxxx Store the current solution xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx self._old_F = [F.copy() for F in self._iasolver.F] self._old_full_F = [ full_F.copy() for full_F in self._iasolver.full_F ] self._old_W_H = [W_H.copy() for W_H in self._iasolver.W_H] self._old_Ns = copy(self._iasolver.Ns) old_sum_capacity = self._iasolver.calc_sum_capacity() # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx Find the index of the stream to be removed xxxxxxx # Note that you need to have called the solve method of the # self._iasolver object before you call this method here. user_idx, stream_idx = \ self._find_index_stream_with_worst_sinr() # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxx Remove the stream and find a new IA solution xxxxxxxxxx self._iasolver.F[user_idx] = np.delete(self._iasolver.F[user_idx], stream_idx, 1) self._iasolver.full_F[user_idx] = np.delete( self._iasolver.full_F[user_idx], stream_idx, 1) self._iasolver.Ns[user_idx] -= 1 # Note that the F member variable is the normalized # precoder. Since we removed one column, let's normalize it # again. self._iasolver.F[user_idx] /= np.linalg.norm( self._iasolver.F[user_idx], 'fro') # self._iasolver.initialize_with = 'fix' self._runned_iterations += self._iasolver.solve( self._iasolver.Ns, self._iasolver.P) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxx Check if the new solution is better xxxxxxxxxxxxxx new_sum_capacity = self._iasolver.calc_sum_capacity() # If the new solution is not better, we restore the previous # solution and set keep_going to False to stop the stream # reduction. if old_sum_capacity > new_sum_capacity: # Lets restore the previous solution. First we clear the # current solution. self._iasolver.clear() # Now we set the precoders self._iasolver.set_precoders(F=self._old_F, full_F=self._old_full_F, P=P) self._iasolver.set_receive_filters(W_H=self._old_W_H) keep_going = False # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxx Check if at least one user has more then 1 stream xxxxx # noinspection PyTypeChecker if not np.any(np.greater(self._iasolver.Ns, 1)): # If there is no user with more then 1 stream, then we # can't reduce streams anymore. Let's stop the while loop # then. keep_going = False # pragma: no cover # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx return self.runned_iterations
[docs] def _find_index_stream_with_worst_sinr(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Considering the current solution (precoders and receive filters) in self._iasolver, find the index of the user and stream corresponding to the worst SINR. Returns ------- user_idx : int The index of the user that has the stream with the worst SINR. stream_idx : int The index of the stream (for user `user_idx`) with the worst SINR. """ sinrs = self._iasolver.calc_SINR() # type: ignore # First we find the index of the minimum SINR for each user min_sinr_indexes = [np.argmin(s) for s in sinrs] # For each user we get his minimum sinr. min_sinrs = [ sinrs[i][min_sinr_indexes[i]] for i in range(self._iasolver.K) # type: ignore ] # Index of the users in ascending order of the sinrs. The fist # element is the index of the user with the minimum SINR. min_sinr_user_idx = np.argsort(min_sinrs) # Let's discard any user that has only one stream, since we can't # reduce the number of streams of that user. valid_users_idx = \ np.arange(self._iasolver.K)[self._iasolver.Ns > 1] # type: ignore min_sinr_user_idx = [ i for i in min_sinr_user_idx if i in valid_users_idx ] user_idx = min_sinr_user_idx[0] stream_idx = min_sinr_indexes[user_idx] return user_idx, stream_idx
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BruteForceStreamIASolver xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[docs]class BruteForceStreamIASolver: """ Implements the Brute Force Stream Interference Alignment algorithm variation. This is not a new IA algorithm, but rather a variation of existing IA algorithms. The idea is to use another IA algorithm to find the IA solution for each possible stream configuration (number of streams for each user) and keep the best one. Note: IA algorithms can provide different performance for the same number of streams but with different initializations. To reduce this variability we set the initialization method to 'svd' (see 'initialize_with' property in the IterativeIASolverBaseClass class) so that the initialization is always the same. Parameters ---------- iasolver_obj : T <= IASolverBaseClass Must be an object of a derived class of IterativeIASolverBaseClass. """ def __init__(self, iasolver_obj: IterativeIASolverBaseClass): self._iasolver = iasolver_obj self._runned_iterations = 0 # store every possible stream combination self._stream_combinations: List[int] = [] # store sum capacity for each stream combination self._every_sum_capacity: List[float] = [] # Store the full_F, W_H and Ns for the previous stream # configuration self._best_F: Optional[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None self._best_full_F: Optional[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None self._best_W_H: Optional[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None self._best_Ns: Optional[Sequence[np.ndarray]] = None
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear the BruteForceStreamIASolver object. """ # store every possible stream combination self._stream_combinations = [] # store sum capacity for each stream combination self._every_sum_capacity = [] # Store the full_F, W_H and Ns for the previous stream # configuration self._best_F = None self._best_full_F = None self._best_W_H = None self._best_Ns = None
@property def runned_iterations(self) -> int: """ Get method for the runned_iterations property. Returns ------- int The number of runned iterations. """ return self._runned_iterations @property def stream_combinations(self) -> Sequence[int]: """ Get method for the stream_combinations property. Returns ------- tuple Tuple containing every possible stream combination. """ return self._stream_combinations @property def every_sum_capacity(self) -> List[float]: """ Get method for the every_sum_capacity property. Returns ------- list Tuple containing the sum capacity for each stream combination in `self.stream_combinations`. """ return self._every_sum_capacity
[docs] def solve(self, Ns: IntOrIntSequence, P: Optional[FloatOrFloatSequence] = None) -> int: """ Find the IA solution. This method updates the 'F' and 'W' member variables. Parameters ---------- Ns : int | np.ndarray MAXIMUM number of streams of each user. All possible values from 1 to Ns (or Ns[k], if Ns is an array) will tried. P : np.ndarray | List[float] | float, optional Power of each user. If not provided, a value of 1 will be used for each user. Returns ------- int Number of iterations the iterative interference alignment algorithm run. """ self._iasolver.clear() self._runned_iterations = 0 self._iasolver.initialize_with = 'svd' K = self._iasolver.K if isinstance(Ns, int): Ns = np.ones(K, dtype=int) * Ns assert (not isinstance(Ns, int)) # xxxxxxxxxx Find all possible stream configurations xxxxxxxxxxxxxx # First we create a list of K lists, where each inner list has the # possible number of streams of one user. # Ex: If Ns is [2, 2, 3] then the list of lists will be # [[1, 2], [1, 2], [1, 2, 3]] each_user_variation = [range(1, Ns[i] + 1) for i in range(K)] # Calculate all possible combinations of the inner lists. self._stream_combinations = list( product(*each_user_variation)) # type: ignore # xxxxx Find the solution for each stream configuration xxxxxxxxxxx self._every_sum_capacity = [] # xxxxx Compute the solution for the first combination xxxxxxxxxxxx stream_combinations = iter(self._stream_combinations) comb = next(stream_combinations) self._iasolver.clear() self._runned_iterations += self._iasolver.solve(np.array(comb), P) self._every_sum_capacity.append(self._iasolver.calc_sum_capacity()) self._best_F = self._iasolver._F self._best_full_F = self._iasolver._full_F self._best_W_H = self._iasolver._W_H self._best_Ns = self._iasolver.Ns best_sum_capacity = self._every_sum_capacity[-1] # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxx Compute the solution for the remaining combinations xxxxxxx for comb in stream_combinations: self._iasolver.clear() self._runned_iterations += \ self._iasolver.solve(np.array(comb), P) self._every_sum_capacity.append(self._iasolver.calc_sum_capacity()) # If the current solution is better then the best one, store it # as the new best solution. if self._every_sum_capacity[-1] > best_sum_capacity: best_sum_capacity = self._every_sum_capacity[-1] self._best_F = self._iasolver._F self._best_full_F = self._iasolver._full_F self._best_W_H = self._iasolver._W_H self._best_Ns = self._iasolver.Ns # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Now that we tested every possible solution, lets keep the best # one we found self._iasolver.clear() self._iasolver._F = self._best_F self._iasolver._full_F = self._best_full_F self._iasolver._W_H = self._best_W_H self._iasolver._Ns = self._best_Ns # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx return self._runned_iterations
# xxxxxxxxxx End of the File xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx