Source code for pyphysim.channels.fading

#!/usr/bin/env python

import math
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np

from ..util.conversion import dB2Linear, linear2dB
from .fading_generators import JakesSampleGenerator, RayleighSampleGenerator

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import art3d
except ModuleNotFoundError:

Shape = Tuple[int, ...]

# Either a jakes or a Rayleigh model can be used
FadingGenerator = Union[JakesSampleGenerator, RayleighSampleGenerator]

# Type representing something that can be used to index a numpy array
Indexes = Union[np.ndarray, List[int], slice]

[docs]class TdlChannelProfile: """ Channel Profile class. This class is just a nice way to present known profiles from the norm or the literature, which are represented as instances of this class. A TDL channel profile store information about the TDL taps. That is, it stores the power and delay of each tap. The power and delay of each tap can be accessed through the `tap_powers_*` and `tap_delays` properties. Some profiles are defined as objects of this class, such as ``COST259_TUx``, ``COST259_RAx`` and ``COST259_HTx``. These can be used when instantiating a :class:`TdlChannel` object. Note that the tap powers and delays are not necessarily `discretized` to some sampling interval. Parameters ---------- tap_powers_dB : np.ndarray The tap powers (in dB). If both `tap_powers_dB` and `tap_delays` are None then a single tap with 0dB power will be assumed at delay 0. tap_delays : np.ndarray The tap delays. name : str A name for the channel profile Examples -------- >>> jakes_generator = fading_generators.JakesSampleGenerator(Ts=3.25e-8) >>> tdlchannel = TdlChannel(jakes_generator, channel_profile=COST259_TUx) """ def __init__(self, tap_powers_dB: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, tap_delays: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, name: str = 'custom') -> None: self._name: str = name if tap_powers_dB is None and tap_delays is None: tap_powers_dB = np.zeros(1) tap_delays = np.zeros(1) assert (tap_powers_dB is not None) assert (tap_delays is not None) self._tap_powers_dB: np.ndarray = tap_powers_dB.copy() self._tap_powers_dB.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False self._tap_powers_linear: np.ndarray = dB2Linear(tap_powers_dB) self._tap_powers_linear.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False self._tap_delays: np.ndarray = tap_delays.copy() self._tap_delays.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False self._num_taps: int = tap_delays.size self._mean_excess_delay: float \ = (np.sum(self._tap_powers_linear * self._tap_delays) / np.sum(self._tap_powers_linear)) aux = (np.sum(self._tap_powers_linear * self._tap_delays**2) / np.sum(self._tap_powers_linear)) self._rms_delay_spread = math.sqrt(aux - self._mean_excess_delay**2) # Sampling interval when the channel profile is discretized. You # can call the self._Ts: Optional[float] = None # noinspection PyPep8 @property def mean_excess_delay(self) -> float: """ The mean excess delay is the first moment of the power delay profile and is defined to be .. math:: \\overline{\\tau} = \\frac{\\sum_k P(\\tau_k)\\tau_k}{\\sum_k P(\\tau_k)} Returns ------- float The mean excess delay. """ # $$\overline{\tau} = \frac{\sum_k P(\tau_k)\tau_k}{\sum_k P(\tau_k)}$$ return self._mean_excess_delay # noinspection PyPep8 @property def rms_delay_spread(self) -> float: """ The RMS delay spread is the square root of the second central moment of the power delay profile. It is defined to be .. math:: \\sigma_t = \\sqrt{\\overline{t^2} - \\overline{\\tau}^2} where .. math:: \\overline{\\tau^2}=\\frac{\\sum_k P(\\tau_k)\\tau_k^2}{\\sum_k P(\\tau_k)} Typically, when the symbol time period is greater than 10 times the RMS delay spread, no ISI equalizer is needed in the receiver. Returns ------- float The RMS delay spread. """ # $\sigma_t = \sqrt{\overline{t^2} - \overline{\tau}^2}$ # where # $\overline{\tau^2}=\frac{\sum_k P(\tau_k)\tau_k^2}{\sum_k P(\tau_k)}$ return self._rms_delay_spread @property def name(self) -> str: """ Get the profile name. Returns ------- str Profile name. """ return self._name @property def tap_powers_dB(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the tap powers (in dB). Returns ------- np.ndarray The tap powers (in dB). """ return self._tap_powers_dB @property def tap_powers_linear(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the tap powers (in linear scale). Returns ------- np.ndarray The tap powers (in linear scale).""" return self._tap_powers_linear @property def tap_delays(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the tap delays. Returns ------- np.ndarray The tap delays. """ return self._tap_delays @property def num_taps(self) -> int: """ Get the number of taps in the profile. Returns ------- int Number of taps before discretization (does not count possible padding). """ return self._num_taps @property def num_taps_with_padding(self) -> int: """ Get the number of taps in the profile including zero-padding when the profile is discretized. If the profile is not discretized an exception is raised. Returns ------- int Number of taps after discretization (it counts possible any added padding). """ if self.Ts is None: raise RuntimeError('TdlChannelProfile is not discretized') return cast(int, self._tap_delays[-1] + 1) @property def Ts(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Get the sampling interval used for discretizing this channel profile object. If it is not discretized then this returns None. Returns ------- float, None The sampling interval (in seconds). """ return self._Ts @property def is_discretized(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the channel profile is discretized""" if self._Ts is None: return False return True
[docs] def get_discretize_profile(self, Ts: float) -> "TdlChannelProfile": """ Compute the discretized taps (power and delay) and return a new discretized TdlChannelProfile object. The tap powers and delays of the returned TdlChannelProfile object correspond to the taps and delays of the TdlChannelProfile object used to call `get_discretize_profile` after discretizing with the sampling interval `Ts`. Parameters ---------- Ts : float The sampling time for the discretization of the tap powers and delays. Returns ------- TdlChannelProfile The discretized channel profile """ if self.is_discretized: raise RuntimeError("Trying to discretize a TdlChannelProfile " "object that is already discretized.") name = "{0} (discretized)".format( powers, delays = self._calc_discretized_tap_powers_and_delays(Ts) discretized_channel_profile = TdlChannelProfile(powers, delays, name) discretized_channel_profile._Ts = Ts return discretized_channel_profile
[docs] def _calc_discretized_tap_powers_and_delays( self, Ts: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Discretize the taps according to the sampling time. The discretized taps will be equally spaced and the delta time from two taps corresponds to the sampling time. Parameters ---------- Ts : float The sampling time. Returns ------- np.ndarray, np.ndarray A tuple with the discretized powers and delays. """ # Compute delay indices delay_indexes, idx_inverse = np.unique(np.round( self._tap_delays / Ts).astype(int).flatten(), return_inverse=True) discretized_powers_linear = np.zeros(delay_indexes.size) for i, v in enumerate(self.tap_powers_linear): discretized_idx = idx_inverse[i] discretized_powers_linear[discretized_idx] += v discretized_powers_linear /= np.sum(discretized_powers_linear) # Compute the discretized powers in dB discretized_powers_dB = linear2dB(discretized_powers_linear) return discretized_powers_dB, delay_indexes
def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Get the representation of the object. Returns -------- str The object representation as a string. """ return "<TdlChannelProfile: '{0}' ({1} taps)>".format(, self.num_taps)
# xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Channel Profile Classes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Channel profiles define the power and delays (according to the norm) for # use with when creating TdlChannel objects # xxxxxxxxxx Define some known profiles xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Reference: 3GPP TR 25.943 version 9.0.0 Release 9 # COST 259 Typical Urban COST259_TUx = TdlChannelProfile( np.array([ -5.7, -7.6, -10.1, -10.2, -10.2, -11.5, -13.4, -16.3, -16.9, -17.1, -17.4, -19, -19, -19.8, -21.5, -21.6, -22.1, -22.6, -23.5, -24.3 ]), np.array([ 0, 217, 512, 514, 517, 674, 882, 1230, 1287, 1311, 1349, 1533, 1535, 1622, 1818, 1836, 1884, 1943, 2048, 2140 ]) * 1e-9, 'COST259_TU') # COST 259 Rural Area COST259_RAx = TdlChannelProfile( np.array( [-5.2, -6.4, -8.4, -9.3, -10.0, -13.1, -15.3, -18.5, -20.4, -22.4]), np.array([0., 42., 101., 129., 149., 245., 312., 410., 469., 528]) * 1e-9, 'COST259_RA') # COST 259 Hilly Terrain COST259_HTx = TdlChannelProfile( np.array([ -3.6, -8.9, -10.2, -11.5, -11.8, -12.7, -13.0, -16.2, -17.3, -17.7, -17.6, -22.7, -24.1, -25.8, -25.8, -26.2, -29.0, -29.9, -30.0, -30.7 ]), np.array([ 0., 356., 441., 528., 546., 609., 625., 842., 916., 941., 15000., 16172., 16492., 16876., 16882., 16978., 17615., 17827., 17849., 18016. ]) * 1e-9, 'COST259_HT')
[docs]class TdlImpulseResponse: """ Class that represents impulse response for a TdlChannel object. This impulse response corresponds to the generated samples for one or more channel realization of the TdlChannel with the configured fading generator. Parameters ---------- tap_values : np.ndarray The tap_values (not including zero padded taps) of a TDL channel generated for the non-zero taps. Dimension: `Num sparse taps x SHAPE x num_samples`. The value SHAPE here is the shape of the fading generator and corresponds to independent impulse responses. Often the shape of the used fading generator is None and thus the dimension of `tap_values` is just `Num sparse taps x num_samples` channel_profile : TdlChannelProfile The channel profile that was considering to generate this impulse response. """ def __init__(self, tap_values: np.ndarray, channel_profile: TdlChannelProfile) -> None: assert (isinstance(channel_profile, TdlChannelProfile)) if channel_profile.Ts is None: raise RuntimeError('Channel profile must be discretized') self._channel_profile: TdlChannelProfile = channel_profile self._tap_values_sparse: np.ndarray = tap_values self._tap_values_dense: Optional[ np.ndarray] = None # This will be set when needed @property def tap_values_sparse(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the tap values (not including zero padding) as a numpy array. Returns ------- np.ndarray The tap values (not including possible zero padding). """ return self._tap_values_sparse @property def tap_indexes_sparse(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the (sparse) tap indexes. Returns ------- The indexes of the non-zero taps. """ return self._channel_profile.tap_delays @property def Ts(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Return the sampling interval of this impulse response. If the impulse response is not discretized this returns None. Returns ------- float The sampling interval. """ return self._channel_profile.Ts @property def tap_delays_sparse(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the tap delays (which are multiples of the sampling interval). Returns ------- np.ndarray The tap delays. """ return self.tap_indexes_sparse * self.Ts @property def tap_values(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the tap values (including zero padding) as a numpy array. Returns ------- np.ndarray The tap values (including zero padding). """ if self._tap_values_dense is None: self._tap_values_dense = \ self._get_samples_including_the_extra_zeros() return self._tap_values_dense @property def num_samples(self) -> int: """ Get the number of samples (different, "neighbor" impulse responses) stored here. Returns ------- int The number of samples in the `TdlImpulseResponse` object. """ return cast(int, self._tap_values_sparse.shape[-1]) @property def channel_profile(self) -> TdlChannelProfile: """ Return the channel profile. Returns ------- TdlChannelProfile The channel profile. """ return self._channel_profile
[docs] def _get_samples_including_the_extra_zeros(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the `samples` including the zeros for the zero taps. Returns ------- samples_with_zeros : np.ndarray The samples including the extra delays containing zeros. """ num_taps_with_padding = self.tap_indexes_sparse[-1] + 1 # Shape of sparse tap values orig_shape = self._tap_values_sparse.shape # The first dimension has the sparse taps. This dimension will # change to num_taps_with_padding. Note that the last dimension in # this shape corresponds to the number of samples. new_shape = (num_taps_with_padding, ) + orig_shape[1:] samples_with_zeros = np.zeros(new_shape, dtype=complex) # Fill the non-zero taps in samples_with_zeros in the correct # indexes samples_with_zeros[self.tap_indexes_sparse] = \ self._tap_values_sparse # Disable write on this array so that it has no risk of deviating # from self._tap_values_sparse samples_with_zeros.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False return samples_with_zeros
[docs] def get_freq_response(self, fft_size: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the frequency response for this impulse response. Parameters ---------- fft_size : int The size of the FFT to be applied. Returns ------- np.ndarray The frequency response. Dimension: `fft_size x num_samples` for SISO impulse response or `fft_size x num_rx x num_tx x num_samples` for MIMO impulse response. """ # Compute the FFT in the "delay" dimension, which captures the # multipath characteristics of the channel. The FFT is calculated # independently for each column (second dimension), which # corresponds to the second dimension is the time dimension (as the # channel response changes in time) freq_response = np.fft.fft( self._get_samples_including_the_extra_zeros(), fft_size, axis=0) return freq_response
def __mul__(self, value: float) -> "TdlImpulseResponse": """ Multiply the impulse response by a float returning a new (scaled) impulse response. Only the tap values are modified. This method is useful for instance to apply the path loss to an existing TdlImpulseResponse object. Parameters ---------- value : float The number to multiply the impulse response object. Returns ------- TdlImpulseResponse A new (scaled by `value`) TdlImpulseResponse object. """ return TdlImpulseResponse(value * self._tap_values_sparse, self._channel_profile) def __rmul__(self, value: float) -> "TdlImpulseResponse": """ Multiply the impulse response by a float returning a new (scaled) impulse response. Only the tap values are modified. This method is useful for instance to apply the path loss to an existing TdlImpulseResponse object. Parameters ---------- value : float The number to multiply the impulse response object. Returns ------- TdlImpulseResponse A new (scaled by `value`) TdlImpulseResponse object. """ return self * value # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def plot_impulse_response(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Plot the impulse response. """ if not _MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE: raise RuntimeError("Install matplotlib to use this method") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') num_taps_with_padding = self._channel_profile.num_taps_with_padding x = np.arange(num_taps_with_padding) # 0 -> 66 for i in range(self.num_samples): z = np.abs(self.tap_values[:, i]) ax.plot(x, [i] * num_taps_with_padding, z) # for y_ in y: # z = np.abs(self.tap_values[:, y_]) # for x_, z_ in zip(x, z): # line = Line3D(*zip((x_, y_, 0), (x_, y_, z_)), # marker='o', markevery=(1, 1)) # ax.add_line(line) ax.set_xlabel('Taps (delay domain)') ax.set_ylabel('Time Domain') ax.set_zlabel('Channel Amplitude') ax.set_xlim3d(0, num_taps_with_padding) ax.set_ylim3d(0, self.num_samples) ax.set_zlim3d( np.abs(self.tap_values).min(), np.abs(self.tap_values).max())
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[docs] def plot_frequency_response(self, fft_size: int) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Plot the frequency response. Parameters ---------- fft_size : int The size of the FFT to be applied. """ if not _MATPLOTLIB_AVAILABLE: raise RuntimeError("Install matplotlib to use this method") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') x = np.arange(fft_size) freq_response = self.get_freq_response(fft_size) for i in range(self.num_samples): z = np.abs(freq_response[:, i]) ax.plot(x, [i] * fft_size, z) ax.set_xlabel('Taps (delay domain)') ax.set_ylabel('Time Domain') ax.set_zlabel('Channel Amplitude') ax.set_xlim3d(0, fft_size) ax.set_ylim3d(0, self.num_samples) ax.set_zlim3d(np.abs(freq_response).min(), np.abs(freq_response).max())
[docs] @staticmethod def concatenate_samples( impulse_responses: List["TdlImpulseResponse"] ) -> "TdlImpulseResponse": """ Concatenate multiple TdlImpulseResponse objects and return the new concatenated TdlImpulseResponse. This concatenation is performed in the "samples" dimension. Parameters ---------- impulse_responses : list[TdlImpulseResponse] A list of TdlImpulseResponse objects to be concatenated. Returns ------- TdlImpulseResponse The new concatenated TdlImpulseResponse. """ num_objs = len(impulse_responses) if num_objs < 2: if num_objs == 1: return impulse_responses[0] raise ValueError("impulse_responses must contain " "at least two TdlImpulseResponse " "objects.") # We should test if all elements in impulse_responses have # the same profile, but in order to avoid too much overhead we only # test the first two. channel_profile1 = impulse_responses[0].channel_profile channel_profile2 = impulse_responses[1].channel_profile if channel_profile1 is not channel_profile2: raise ValueError("TdlImpulseResponse objects must have the " "same channel profile object") tap_values_sparse = np.concatenate( [a.tap_values_sparse for a in impulse_responses], axis=-1) concatenated_impulse_response = TdlImpulseResponse( tap_values_sparse, channel_profile1) return concatenated_impulse_response
[docs]class TdlChannel: """ Tapped Delay Line channel model, which corresponds to a multipath channel. You can create a new TdlChannel object either specifying the channel profile or specifying both the channel tap powers and delays. Parameters ---------- fading_generator : FadingGenerator The instance of a fading generator in the `fading_generators` module. It should be a subclass of FadingSampleGenerator. The fading generator will be used to generate the channel samples. If the shape of the fading_generator is not None, then it must contain two positive integers, and a MIMO transmission will be employed, where the first integer in shape corresponds to the number of receive antennas while the second integer corresponds to the number of transmit antennas channel_profile : TdlChannelProfile The channel profile, which specifies the tap powers and delays. tap_powers_dB : np.ndarray The powers of each tap (in dB). Dimension: `L x 1` Note: The power of each tap will be a negative number (in dB). tap_delays : np.ndarray The delay of each tap (in seconds). Dimension: `L x 1` """ # Note: It would be better to have only the first argument as # positional argument and all the others as keyword only arguments. We # can do this in Python3 by adding ",*," after the first positional # argument thus making all the other arguments keyword only. However, # this is not valid in Python2. def __init__(self, fading_generator: FadingGenerator, channel_profile: Optional[TdlChannelProfile] = None, tap_powers_dB: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, tap_delays: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, Ts: Optional[float] = None) -> None: # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if isinstance(fading_generator, JakesSampleGenerator): if Ts is None: # Ts was not provided, but the fading generator has # it. Let's use it then. Ts = fading_generator.Ts elif Ts != fading_generator.Ts: # Ts was provided and the fading generator also has it, but # they are not the same value. Let's raise an exception raise RuntimeError( "The provided sampling interval Ts is different from " "the one in the Jakes sample generator.") # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # If the user didn't provide the channel profile, but it provided # the tap powers and delays, then we use them to create a custom # channel profile if channel_profile is None: # If channel_profile is not provided, then tap_powers_dB and # tap_powers_dB must be provided and we will use them to create # the channel profile object channel_profile = TdlChannelProfile(tap_powers_dB, tap_delays) else: assert(isinstance(channel_profile, TdlChannelProfile)),\ ('channel_profile must be an obj ' 'of the TdlChannelProfile class') # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # The channel profile is not discretized yet. We need to # discretize it. if not channel_profile.is_discretized: if (isinstance(fading_generator, RayleighSampleGenerator) and Ts is None): Ts = 1.0 # if Ts is None: # raise RuntimeError( # "You must either provide the Ts argument or provide an " # "already discretized TdlChannelProfile object") # else: # channel_profile = channel_profile.get_discretize_profile(Ts) assert (Ts is not None) channel_profile = channel_profile.get_discretize_profile(Ts) elif channel_profile.Ts != Ts and Ts is not None: # Channel profile is already discretized but it does not agree # with the Ts value provided or the one in the fading generator raise RuntimeError( "Channel profile is already discretized, but it does not " "agree with the discretized parameter Ts") # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Finally save the channel profile to a member attribute self._channel_profile = channel_profile shape = fading_generator.shape self._fading_generator = fading_generator self._set_fading_generator_shape(shape) # Last generated impulse response. This will be set when the # generate_impulse_response method is called self._last_impulse_response: Optional[TdlImpulseResponse] = None # If set to True then the channel direction (downlink/uplink) will # be reversed. This is only important for MIMO channels. self._switched_direction = False @property def switched_direction(self) -> bool: """ Get the value of `switched_direction`. Returns ------- bool True if direction is switched and False otherwise. """ return self._switched_direction @switched_direction.setter def switched_direction(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Set the value of `switched_direction`. Parameters ---------- value : bool True to switch directions of false to use original direction. """ if not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError("switched_direction must be a boolean value") # TODO: maybe throw a warning if the TdlChannel object is not a # MIMO version (has multiple antennas) self._switched_direction = value
[docs] def set_num_antennas(self, num_rx_antennas: int, num_tx_antennas: int) -> None: """ Set the number of transmit and receive antennas for MIMO transmission. Set both `num_rx_antennas` and `num_tx_antennas` to None for SISO transmission Parameters ---------- num_rx_antennas : int The number of receive antennas. num_tx_antennas : int The number of transmit antennas. """ self._set_fading_generator_shape((num_rx_antennas, num_tx_antennas))
[docs] def _set_fading_generator_shape(self, new_shape: Optional[Shape]) -> None: """ Set the shape of the fading generator. Parameters ---------- new_shape : tuple[int], None The new shape of the fading generator. Note that the actual shape will be set to (self.num_taps, new_shape) """ if new_shape is None: self._fading_generator.shape = (self.num_taps, ) else: # Note that fading_generator.shape must be a tuple self._fading_generator.shape = (self.num_taps, ) + new_shape
@property def channel_profile(self) -> TdlChannelProfile: """ Return the channel profile. Returns ------- TdlChannelProfile The channel profile. """ return self._channel_profile @property def num_taps(self) -> int: """ Number of taps not including zero taps after discretization. Returns ------- int The number of taps (not including padding) """ return self._channel_profile.num_taps @property def num_taps_with_padding(self) -> int: """ Number of taps including zero taps after discretization. Returns ------- int The number of taps (including padding) """ # This is only valid if _channel_profile is discretized and the # tap_delays correspond to integers return self._channel_profile.num_taps_with_padding
[docs] def generate_impulse_response(self, num_samples: int = 1) -> None: """ Generate a new impulse response of all discretized taps (not including possible zero padding) for `num_samples` channel realizations. NOTE: This method is automatically called in the `corrupt_data` and `corrupt_data_in_freq_domain` methods and you don't need to call it befortransmitting data. After one of them has been called the generated impulse response can ge get with the `get_last_impulse_response` method. The number of discretized taps of the generated impulse response will depend on the channel delay profile (the tap_delays passed during creation of the TdlChannel object) as well as on the sampling interval. As an example, the COST259 TU channel profile has 20 different taps where the last one has a delay equal to 2.14 microseconds. If the sampling interval is configured as 3.25e-08 then the discretized channel will have more than 60 taps ( including the zeros padding), where only 15 taps are different from zero. These 15 taps are what is returned by this method. Alternatively, with a sampling time of 1e-6 you will end up with only 3 discretized taps. Parameters ---------- num_samples : int The number of samples to generate (for each tap). """ self._fading_generator.generate_more_samples(num_samples) channel_samples = self._fading_generator.get_samples() # xxxxxxxxxx Apply the power to each tap xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Note that here we only apply the power to the taps. The delays # will be applied when the fading is actually used. # Note that self._tap_linear_powers_discretized has a single # dimension. We need to add singleton dimensions as necessary # before we multiply it by channel_samples so that broadcasting # works. new_shape = [self.num_taps] new_shape.extend([1] * (channel_samples.ndim - 1)) samples = (channel_samples * np.sqrt( np.reshape(self._channel_profile.tap_powers_linear[:, np.newaxis], new_shape))) impulse_response = TdlImpulseResponse(samples, self._channel_profile) self._last_impulse_response = impulse_response
@property def num_tx_antennas(self) -> int: """ Get the number of transmit antennas. Returns ------- int The number of transmit antennas. """ if self._fading_generator.shape is None or len( self._fading_generator.shape) == 1: return -1 return self._fading_generator.shape[2] @property def num_rx_antennas(self) -> int: """ Get the number of receive antennas. Returns ------- int The number of receive antennas. """ if self._fading_generator.shape is None or len( self._fading_generator.shape) == 1: return -1 return self._fading_generator.shape[1]
[docs] def get_last_impulse_response(self) -> TdlImpulseResponse: """ Get the last generated impulse response. A new impulse response is generated when the method `corrupt_data` is called. You can use the `get_last_impulse_response` method to get the impulse response used to corrupt the last data. Returns ------- TdlImpulseResponse The impulse response of the channel that was used to corrupt the last data. """ if self._last_impulse_response is None: raise RuntimeError("No impulse response was generated yet") return self._last_impulse_response
def __prepare_transmit_signal_shape(self, signal: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Helper method called in corrupt_data and corrupt_data_in_freq_domain methods to prepare the shape of transmit `signal`. It there is only one transmit antenna but signal is 1D, then an extra dimension will be added to `signal`. Otherwise the `signal` will be just returned. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray The signal to be transmitted. This should be 1D for SISO systems (or SIMO systems) and 2D for MIMO systems. Returns ------- np.ndarray Either the same signal of signal with an added dimension. """ assert (self._fading_generator.shape is not None) if len(self._fading_generator.shape) == 1: return signal _, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant = self._fading_generator.shape if self.switched_direction: # Switched directions if num_rx_ant == 1 and signal.ndim == 1: signal = np.reshape(signal, (1, signal.size)) else: # Original directions if num_tx_ant == 1 and signal.ndim == 1: signal = np.reshape(signal, (1, signal.size)) return signal
[docs] def corrupt_data(self, signal: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Transmit the signal though the TDL channel. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray The signal to be transmitted. This should be 1D for SISO systems (or SIMO systems) and 2D for MIMO systems. Returns ------- np.ndarray The received signal after transmission through the TDL channel """ # Number of symbols to be transmitted num_symbols = signal.shape[-1] # Prepare the dimension in signal. This will either do nothing # (return the same variable), or add an extra singleton dimension # if signal is 1D and we have a SIMO system. signal = self.__prepare_transmit_signal_shape(signal) # Generate an impulse response with `num_symbols` samples that we # will use to corrupt the data. self.generate_impulse_response(num_symbols) assert (self._last_impulse_response is not None) # Get the channel memory (number of extra received symbols). channel_memory = self.num_taps_with_padding - 1 # The indexes of the non-zero taps from our impulse response tap_indexes_sparse = self._last_impulse_response.tap_indexes_sparse # The values of the (sparse) tap tap_values_sparse = self._last_impulse_response.tap_values_sparse assert (self._fading_generator.shape is not None) if len(self._fading_generator.shape) == 1: # xxxxxxxxxx SISO Case xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # The output size will be equal to the number of symbols to transit # plus the channel_memory. output = np.zeros(num_symbols + channel_memory, dtype=complex) for i, d in enumerate(tap_indexes_sparse): output[d:d + num_symbols] += tap_values_sparse[i] * signal # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx elif len(self._fading_generator.shape) == 3: # xxxxxxxxxx MIMO Case xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # The output size will be equal to the number of symbols to transit # plus the channel_memory. _, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant = self._fading_generator.shape if self.switched_direction: # xxxxxxxxxx Code for reversed direction xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx output = np.zeros((num_tx_ant, num_symbols + channel_memory), dtype=complex) for i, d in enumerate(tap_indexes_sparse): for rx_idx in range(num_rx_ant): output[:, d:d + num_symbols] += ( tap_values_sparse[i, rx_idx, :, :] * signal[rx_idx]) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx else: # xxxxxxxxxx Code for original direction xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx output = np.zeros((num_rx_ant, num_symbols + channel_memory), dtype=complex) for i, d in enumerate(tap_indexes_sparse): for tx_idx in range(num_tx_ant): output[:, d:d + num_symbols] += ( tap_values_sparse[i, :, tx_idx, :] * signal[tx_idx]) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "Shape of the fading generator of the TdlChannel class must " "have either 1 (SISO) or 3 (MIMO) dimensions") return output
[docs] def corrupt_data_in_freq_domain( self, signal: np.ndarray, fft_size: int, carrier_indexes: Optional[Indexes] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Transmit the signal through the TDL channel, but in the frequency domain. This is ROUGHLY equivalent to modulating `signal` with OFDM using `fft_size` subcarriers, transmitting through a regular TdlChannel, and then demodulating with OFDM to recover the received signal. One important difference is that here the channel is considered constant during the transmission of `fft_size` elements in `signal`, and then it is varied by the equivalent of the variation for that number of elements. That is, the channel is block static. Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray The signal to be transmitted. This should be 1D for SISO systems (or SIMO systems) and 2D for MIMO systems. fft_size : int The size of the Fourier transform to get the frequency response. carrier_indexes : slice | np.ndarray | list[int] The indexes of the subcarriers where signal is to be transmitted. If it is None assume all subcarriers will be used. This can be a slice object or a numpy array of integers. Returns ------- np.ndarray The received signal after transmission through the TDL channel """ # Number of symbols to be transmitted num_symbols = signal.shape[-1] # Prepare the dimension in signal. This will either do nothing # (return the same variable), or add an extra singleton dimension # if signal is 1D and we have a SIMO system. signal = self.__prepare_transmit_signal_shape(signal) # xxxxxxxxxx Get the block size xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if carrier_indexes is None: block_size = fft_size else: # carrier_indexes may be either a slice object of a numpy array # of integers with indexes if isinstance(carrier_indexes, slice): # Get the indexes from the slice object. This is a tuple # with (start, stop, step) indexes = carrier_indexes.indices(fft_size) block_size = (indexes[1] - indexes[0]) // indexes[2] else: assert isinstance(carrier_indexes, (np.ndarray, list)) block_size = len(carrier_indexes) if num_symbols % block_size != 0: raise ValueError("The num of elements in `signal` must be a " "multiple of number of sent elements per " "`fft_size`.") # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx assert (self._fading_generator.shape is not None) # Variable to store the impulse responses for each block. We will # concatenate these impulse responses at the end so that we can set # self._last_impulse_response to the impulse response of all blocks impulse_responses = [] if len(self._fading_generator.shape) == 1: # Output variable representing the received signal output = np.empty(num_symbols, dtype=complex) elif len(self._fading_generator.shape) == 3: _, num_rx_ant, num_tx_ant = self._fading_generator.shape if self.switched_direction: # xxxxxxxxxx Code for reversed direction xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx output = np.zeros((num_symbols, num_tx_ant), dtype=complex) else: # xxxxxxxxxx Code for original direction xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx output = np.zeros((num_symbols, num_rx_ant), dtype=complex) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError( "Shape of the fading generator of the TdlChannel class must " "have either 1 (SISO) or 3 (MIMO) dimensions") # Number of full blocks in `signal` num_full_blocks = num_symbols // block_size for i in range(num_full_blocks): start_idx = block_size * i end_idx = block_size * (i + 1) # Generate next impulse response: the one we will use to # transmit the current block (the channel is static during # transmission of a single block) self.generate_impulse_response(1) impulse_responses.append(self.get_last_impulse_response()) assert (self._last_impulse_response is not None) if len(self._fading_generator.shape) == 1: # xxxxxxxxxx SISO case xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Get the equivalent frequency response of the last # generated impulse response. That is what we will use # to corrupt the current block of signal if carrier_indexes is None: freq_response = \ self._last_impulse_response.get_freq_response( fft_size)[:, 0] else: freq_response = \ self._last_impulse_response.get_freq_response( fft_size)[carrier_indexes, 0] output[start_idx:end_idx] = (freq_response * signal[start_idx:end_idx]) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx else: # len(self._fading_generator.shape) == 3 # xxxxxxxxxx MIMO Case xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Get the equivalent frequency response of the last # generated impulse response. That is what we will use # to corrupt the current block of signal if carrier_indexes is None: freq_response = \ self._last_impulse_response.get_freq_response( fft_size)[:, :, :, 0] else: freq_response = \ self._last_impulse_response.get_freq_response( fft_size)[carrier_indexes, :, :, 0] if self.switched_direction: # xxxxxxxxxx Code for reversed direction xxxxxxxxxxxxxx # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable for rx_idx in range(num_rx_ant): output[start_idx:end_idx, :] += ( freq_response[:, rx_idx, :] * signal[rx_idx, start_idx:end_idx, np.newaxis]) else: # xxxxxxxxxx Code for original direction xxxxxxxxxxxxxx # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable for tx_idx in range(num_tx_ant): output[start_idx:end_idx, :] += ( freq_response[:, :, tx_idx] * signal[tx_idx, start_idx:end_idx, np.newaxis]) # xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # Advance the fading generator by "fft_size - 1" to account how # much the channel has "changed" during the duration of the # current block self._fading_generator.skip_samples_for_next_generation(fft_size - 1) self._last_impulse_response = TdlImpulseResponse.concatenate_samples( impulse_responses) # Transposition has no effect for the SISO case. For the MIMO case # it will make output have dimension `num_rx_ant x num_samples` return output.T
[docs]class TdlMimoChannel(TdlChannel): """ Tapped Delay Line channel model, which corresponds to a multipath channel. You can create a new TdlMimoChannel object either specifying the channel profile or specifying both the channel tap powers and delays. Note that the TdlChannel class can already work with multiple antennas if provided `fading_generator` has a shape with two elements (number of receive antennas and number of transmit antennas). The TdlMimoChannel only adds a slight better interface over TdlChannel class for working with MIMO. This class is also useful to test MIMO transmission, with the added `num_tx_antennas` and `num_rx_antennas` properties. Parameters ---------- fading_generator : FadingGenerator The instance of a fading generator in the `fading_generators` module. It should be a subclass of FadingSampleGenerator. The fading generator will be used to generate the channel samples. The shape of the fading_generator will be ignored and replaced by provided number of antennas. channel_profile : TdlChannelProfile The channel profile, which specifies the tap powers and delays. tap_powers_dB : np.ndarray The powers of each tap (in dB). Dimension: `L x 1` Note: The power of each tap will be a negative number (in dB). tap_delays : np.ndarray The delay of each tap (in seconds). Dimension: `L x 1` """ def __init__(self, fading_generator: FadingGenerator, channel_profile: Optional[TdlChannelProfile] = None, tap_powers_dB: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, tap_delays: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, Ts: Optional[float] = None) -> None: if fading_generator.shape is None or len(fading_generator.shape) != 2: raise RuntimeError( # pragma: nocover "The provided fading_generator for the TdlMimoChannel class" " must have a shape with two values") super().__init__(fading_generator, channel_profile, tap_powers_dB, tap_delays, Ts)