Implementing Monte Carlo simulations

A Monte Carlo simulation involves performing the same simulation many times with random samples to calculate the statistical properties of some phenomenon.

The SimulationRunner class makes implementing Monte Carlo simulations easier by implementing much of the necessary code while leaving the specifics of each simulator to be implemented in a subclass.

In the simplest case, in order to implement a simulator one would subclass SimulationRunner, set the simulation parameters in the __init__ method and implement the _run_simulation() method with the code to simulate a single iteration for that specific simulator. The simulation can then be performed by calling the simulate() method of an object of that derived class. After the simulation is finished, the ‘results’ parameter of that object will have the simulation results.

The process of implementing a simulator is described in more details in the following.

Simulation Parameters

The simulation parameters can be set in any way as long as they can be accessed in the _run_simulation() method. For parameters that won’t be changed, a simple way that works is to store these parameters as attributes in the __init__ method.

On the other hand, if you want to run multiple simulations, each one with different values for some of the simulation parameters then store these parameters in the self.params attribute and set them to be unpacked (See docummentation of the SimulationParameters class for more details). The simulate() method will automatically get all possible combinations of parameters and perform a whole Monte Carlo simulation for each of them. The simulate() method will pass the ‘current_parameters’ (a SimulationParameters object) to _run_simulation() from where _run_simulation() can get the current combination of parameters.

If you want/need to save the simulation parameters for future reference, however, then you should store all the simulation parameters in the self.params attribute. This will allow you to call the method SimulationParameters.save_to_pickled_file() to save everything into a file. The simulation parameters can be recovered latter from this file by calling the static method SimulationParameters.load_from_pickled_file().

Simulation Results

In the implementation of the _run_simulation() method in a subclass of SimulationRunner it is necessary to create an object of the SimulationResults class, add each desided result to it (using the add_result() method of the SimulationResults class) and then return this object at the end of _run_simulation(). Note that each result added to this SimulationResults object must itself be an object of the Result class.

After each run of the _run_simulation() method the returned SimulationResults object is merged with the self.results attribute from where the simulation results can be retreived after the simulation finishes. Note that the way the results from each _run_simulation() run are merged together depend on the update_type attribute of the Result object.

Since you will have the complete simulation results in the self.results object you can easily save them to a file calling its SimulationResults.save_to_file() method.


Call the SimulationResults.set_parameters() method to set the simulation parameters in the self.results object before calling its save_to_file method. This way you will have information about which simulation parameters were used to generate the results.

Number of iterations the _run_simulation() method is performed

The number of times the _run_simulation() method is performed for a given parameter combination depend on the self.rep_max attribute. It is set by default to ‘1’ and therefore you should set it to the desired value in the __init__ method of the SimulationRunner subclass.

Optional methods

A few methods can be implemented in the SimulationRunner subclass for extra functionalities. The most useful one is probably the _keep_going() method, which can speed up the simulation by avoid running unecessary iterations of the _run_simulation() method.

Basically, after each iteration of the _run_simulation() method the _keep_going() method is called. If it returns True then more iterations of _run_simulation() will be performed until _keep_going() returns False or rep_max iterations are performed. When the _keep_going() method is called it receives a SimulationResults object with the cumulated results from all iterations so far, which it can then use to decide it the iterations should continue or not.

The other optional methods provide hooks to run code at specific points of the simulate() method. They are described briefly below:

At last, for a working example of a simulator, see the apps/ file.

Example of Implementation

See the documentation of the SimulationRunner class for a pseudo implementation of a subclass of the SimulationRunner.

Running Simulations in Parallel

If some parameter was marked to be unpacked and instead of calling the simulate() method you call the simulate_in_parallel() method, then the simulations for the different parameters will be performed in parallel using the parallel capabilities of the IPython interpreter.

In order to call simulate_in_parallel() you need to first create a Client (IPython.parallel.Client) and then get a “view” from it. This view is a required argument to call simulate_in_parallel().

The the IPython documentation to understand more.